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suggestions fleets/dangerlevel

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:14 pm
by Captain meow
i think instead of 5 ships a fleet it should be a round number like 6 and also the danger level should be if it is higher then 3 you can't remove ships instead of having to wait till it is 2
and how much longer before fishing is avaliable

Re: suggestions fleets/dangerlevel

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:17 pm
by Francois le Clerc

Re: suggestions fleets/dangerlevel

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:00 am
by Sir Johnny English
Fishing has been available in this world since time immemmorial.....pirates and traders, however, are just discovering its potential now.
I think the term fleet has been used in a wide varied sense. Honestly though, I expected an Admiral to do some cool things, not just command a grop of 5 ships, to be honest, when I started the game. The fleet of 3 ships of Columbus was also a fleet. The normal turkish fleet that attacked Lepanto, when the Spanish defended it, was of huge numbers and also called a fleet. THe Japanese fleets that attacked Korea were also hugre in numbers. The even better fleets under Admiral Yi when the Koreans retaliated were devastatingly powerful against the Japanese war ships.

So, if the number of ships in a fleet is to be changed, I would kie to suggest that it be based on the capability level of the Admiral(s).

I do not comment on Danger system, I think its fine, as far I have seen it.

Re: suggestions fleets/dangerlevel

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:41 am
by Synyster
Captain doh wrote:i think instead of 5 ships a fleet it should be a round number like 6 and also the danger level should be if it is higher then 3 you can't remove ships instead of having to wait till it is 2
and how much longer before fishing is avaliable

So about 5 ships in a fleet being an issue.. why is 5 not "a round number like 6"? 5 has curves too u know? :lol: But seriously in this game, 0 is the minimum number of ships u need in a 'Fleet' (though u can only delete the fleet, rename it or add ships to make it move), with 5 the maximum. Regarding relative 'Fleet' strength, depends on what ships u put in the 'Fleet'. If u find that your 'Fleets' are losing in battles, try and analyze your battle reports, compare your fleet with those of your opponents.

Regarding danger level, i get the vibe that u have been on the receiving end of several plunder attacks due to your fleets unknowingly gathering all those danger rating.. maybe the issue is not with not being able to remove ships when u have 3 or more danger, but rather, trying out different strategies for trading (+1 dr when arrive at port) and attacks (safekeeping prized ships in your marina, keeping sufficient gold on hand, etc..).

Re: suggestions fleets/dangerlevel

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:50 pm
by DezNutz
-1 Disapprove

The number of ships in a fleet does not need to change.

I also disagree with increasing the point where you can pull ships out of the fleet with danger. The current 2 danger is sufficient as it allows ships to be removed but none of those ships are on the plunder board. Setting it to three is an absolute no.

-1 Disapprove - Skyhawk

Re: [Review] suggestions fleets/dangerlevel

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 12:39 pm
by PFH
Disapprove -1

Re: [Review] suggestions fleets/dangerlevel

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 8:14 pm
by Banger
-1 disapprove