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[Disapproved] Breakup and Divorce
Tue May 27, 2014 5:29 pm
by Cdv
Name: Breakup
Cost: 8 turns
Rarity: Uncommon
Target: Self only
Effect: Choose a port. Cuts all relationships with the Governor's Daughter/Son from that port.
Name: Divorce
Cost: 12 turns
Rarity: Uncommon
Target: Self only
Effect: Cuts all relationships with player's(PG!) wife.
Both cards will make the the romance rating 0% and the mood as Furious. To form relationships, you will have to sneak into the Governor's daughter's room again.
Re: Breakup and Divorce
Tue May 27, 2014 8:01 pm
by Edward_Teach
I, personally, don't see why this would be a card that would be used. Except by the few that keep their fame intentionally low to lower the amount of attacks and further take advantage of the system.
Re: Breakup and Divorce
Tue May 27, 2014 10:37 pm
by Brazzler
I agree with Sebastien Dumont.
Re: Breakup and Divorce
Wed May 28, 2014 4:08 am
by Ciel Phantomhive
These maybe are for someone who wants to change their significant other quickly instead of waiting for long-way-to-go divorce. For example player A have plain wife at Caspian but wants the exquisite one at Chalkos and doesn't want to wait long for divorce. I've drawn a conclusion, and that is...
The cards user is a j*rk (nah, just kidding)
If your intention of the cards usage is to speed up divorce and quickly change significant other you only need one in your game lifetime. The cards aren't really needed. They're even more useless than Rotten Food. So -1 from my humble opinion.
Re: Breakup and Divorce
Wed May 28, 2014 5:59 am
by Sir Henry Morgan
I don't think ye be needin' this manner of cards. If ye want a divorce, just marry the lass ye wish. If ye already be married, no worries, as your ex, shall we say, will be amply displeased with ye.
No need for voodoo to mess up marital bliss - it can be done without any herlp from a shaman or witch doctor.
Re: Breakup and Divorce
Wed May 28, 2014 10:24 am
by Captain Jack
You can divorce anytime with the current system:
- Code: Select all
You are already married to the daughter of Tzogos's governor!
Your current marriage will be declared null and void (divorce) but keep in mind that your current wife won't take this lightly!
Are you sure you want to propose to this one?
Yes, I am sure! I need a new wife! | No, no! I changed my mind!
There is no need for such a card.
Re: [Disapproved] Breakup and Divorce
Wed May 28, 2014 12:48 pm
by Cdv
Please note that there were two separate cards suggested. The first card is not related to the wife but Governor's daughters in general, just saying. I agree that there is no use for the second card, my bad.
Re: [Disapproved] Breakup and Divorce
Wed May 28, 2014 12:57 pm
by Edward_Teach
I don't see why cutting ties with governors daughters is needed in this game. Explain me that, and maybe I'll change my opinion.
Still -1
Re: [Disapproved] Breakup and Divorce
Wed May 28, 2014 1:44 pm
by Captain Jack
The reason is to stop getting the bonus fame in order to sneak into the 25 fame rule.
The 25 fame rule was destined for newcomers, not established players. We will need to tweak the rule somehow as we do not like unatural protection ways to exist in the game.
To be fair though, this cannot happen and will NOT happen now. This will happen ONLY AFTER there are sufficient ways for a powerful established player to completely lock/get rid of a pestering (small) pirate.
I am not very aware how this will be accomplished, but I hope ship specialization (further buff for Pirates IMHO) followed by ship escort/patrol (gotcha!) should be enough. If not, more voodoo control cards will be added. Perhaps related to the new power system (which will not replace FAME and will not be publicly visible), there will be cards (common and uncommon) that will provide security (mindbar like) against players that have huge power difference (could be used by both ends, either the weak or the strong one). I cannot exclude that it will be fame based - it could be a way to strengthen the fame ranking system.
Re: [Disapproved] Breakup and Divorce
Wed May 28, 2014 9:44 pm
by Edward_Teach
People (you know who you are) who are sneaking into this 25 fame rule are cheating and they're doing it intentionally. This is manipulation of the game system and I believe is breaking the rules. Shouldn't they get some type of warning for doing what they are doing? I could go on but as it is this is just widening the gap in fairness between Pirate and Merchant. And it's getting out of hand. If you didn't want to be attacked so many times, don't build so many fleets, I understand you're trying to increase you're income, but guess what pirates look to get the biggest amount of pay for their buck (voodoo) and as long as a select few have so many more ships you'll be a target, sorry!