Improve the card market

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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Shaydo » Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:07 pm

After the first 9 it would kick in you are correct. So use realistic prices and give the credits back afterwards, rinse and repeat.
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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:40 pm

Current system is difficult to exploit...
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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Painmaster » Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:42 pm

is there perhaps, a plausible way to avoid this exploitation? I'm all ears.
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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Shaydo » Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:25 am

Unfortunately not that's easily coming to mind, you need a delay to allow every other player the chance to bid up the card and your proposal doesn't allow for that.
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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Synyster » Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:08 pm

Shaydo wrote:The first problem with this i can see is that it would allow players to sell voodoo to each other at almost no cost in seconds if desired. All you would need to do is post it for say 1 credit a stack and let who ever know and they can buy it within 1 second of it being posted, chance of being snipped would be slim at best unless you plan on keeping the 3 day timer? If not there are to many ways this could be misused. -1

Well, simply implement the "Quick Buy" option after the first 24 or 48 hours of the 3 days auction window. And no matter what, "Quick Buy" should cost more than normal price in the auction, say maybe 50% more than current bid? This will circumvent most 'sniping' issues.

Example, I put up a Mindbar for sale at 2 credits, there is no way anyone can buy it immediately. They have to wait for at least 24 hours, by which time the base price might have gone up to 20 credits, and "Quick Buy" would cost 30 credits. Sounds fair?
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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Painmaster » Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:10 pm

I like that Idea.
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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:20 pm

I'd think along the lines of this : no 'quick buy' for first 24hrs : then it has a 50% of the last bid surcharge up until 48hrs, when the surcharge drops to 25% of the last bid. Of course, this might lead to folk sitting and waiting on the bid when it passes 24hr or 48hrs which may disadvantage those who cant be online at that time. But the same applies to the current system where those online can jump in at the last moment already.
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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Synyster » Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:58 pm

Danik renoir wrote:Of course, this might lead to folk sitting and waiting on the bid when it passes 24hr or 48hrs which may disadvantage those who cant be online at that time. But the same applies to the current system where those online can jump in at the last moment already.

That is where some issues might arise. With current system, with the timer down to the last 5 minutes or less, the timer will reset to 15 minutes if a bid is made and so on till someone gives up. With "Quick Buy" option that perhaps kicks off after 24 hours in the auction, there will be no such thing as timer resets. So if someone wants a particular card that is on sale, they will have to make the necessary arrangements, or simply wait for other opportunity.
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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:46 pm

Or we could make it the sellers risk/choice ; when you list the card, you choose either standard 3 -day auction or an 'instant first person to meet the price gets it' option... but with some form of penalty... not unlike the % levy for over 100credit thing... say, a 20% surcharge that goes to the 'market'?

edit : perhaps the 20% could be taken from both sides of the deal for added penalty for a quick deal
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Re: Improve the card market

Postby Synyster » Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:19 pm

If u do away with the time frame, it will just bring about the issue of premeditated transferring of voodoo from one player to another, at a minimum cost of 1 credit per transaction.
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