Gold for Journalists

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Re: Paying Players

Postby William Pitt » Sat May 21, 2016 4:26 am

Sir Colchian Niveus wrote:i add bonus at 500 articles 500 credits.

No easy feat, I'm willing to do this.
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Re: Paying Players

Postby Admiral Nelson » Sat May 21, 2016 5:49 am

But delrio?

I thought you had 4,000 credits?

Why do you need so little credits if you got so many?
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Re: Paying Players

Postby Captain dungeness » Sat May 21, 2016 6:19 am

Are you expecting to be paid by "the game" or by players? I think this exactly the place to have players pay for advertising space based on page views or contracts completed (think "coupon codes").
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Re: Gold for Journalists

Postby William Pitt » Sat May 21, 2016 11:07 am

Players can pay for ad space as they have already been doing, it's just that I personally enjoy writing articles for Avonmora and we need more writers. If you have it bring it.
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Re: Gold for Journalists

Postby Grimrock Litless » Sat May 21, 2016 11:11 am

You mean pay you ingame, for you to advertise banks, and etc?
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Re: Gold for Journalists

Postby William Pitt » Sat May 21, 2016 11:23 am


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Re: Gold for Journalists

Postby Sir Colchian Niveus » Sat May 21, 2016 12:49 pm

I think the proposion was to be paid by game. If the player have a good papper then players can pay for advertising and the journalist will have a min and a max profit from writting.
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Re: Gold for Journalists

Postby fullfathomfive » Sun May 22, 2016 11:04 am

Online game "Newspapers" are a xlnt way to both retain player interest in the game and generate greater activity between players and game play. Those that have proved most successful are "News" void of advertising which are run by the game itself through a managing editor. Players are encouraged to contribute articles for "News" inclusion and are rewarded for their contribution by credits/turns paid by the game administrators through the managing editor. The key to success of course is providing unbiased news on all subjects within the game where articles are unedited by the managing editor thus remaining a creditable player supported addition.

There are many games with successful associated "News" sites that are patterned as the above. One I have seen successfully grow over the past 13 years is a fictional, not fantasy, horse racing game publication that is completely supported by player contributed articles. This has allowed not only the publication to grow (now having it's own url), but also the game player base.

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Re: Gold for Journalists

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sun May 22, 2016 11:13 am

As an occasional scribbler and contributor to the in-game journal, I dont want paying for it : I write to amuse myself, to amuse others and, I'll freely admit, to further which-ever cause I am engaged in at the time : propaganda is a weapon like any other, after all.

But, like all scribblers, I do get miffed when my work is chewed up, emasculated or otherwise changed in the 'editing' process : the writer has to trust their editor to keep the 'meat' of the story intact. So, more important than any payment, is knowing my work will reach the reader relatively unscathed : if I dont feel that, no amount of coin will encourage me to contribute anymore.
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Re: Gold for Journalists

Postby Captain Jack » Tue May 24, 2016 8:44 am

The game needs first to provide more public info on what is going on in Avonmora seas. Without providing rich information to the players, the stories produced will not be constantly good.

Right now, the game does not need article writers but journalists as in full meaning of what a journalist is. A player that will have the nerve and willingness to scout and probe other players to get insight on what is really happening around.

This is what we try to do in our every release in the in-game Herald at the very least. We have probed players before for news. I am not sure if there are real player-journalists out there right now or the article writers are mostly focused at the interviews part when probing for content for their newspapers.

Right now, the current system with forum-based newspaper is more rewarding than anything else for the game. What we want to add, are a few forum controls that will help interaction in between the forums and the game. Like/+1 buttons for example. The current system is better because it promotes user engagement and provides sparks for user interaction.

I understand though that in order to have concrete influx of articles, a solution where you provide perks to news writers could work. Surely, we are not inventing the wheel here, content producers are invaluable assets for any game. Here, as we are an old school game, we hold no real special treatment for them.

This is generally a big issue for us to handle right now and we would prefer if the players can sort it out on their own.

If I had to add my personal view on this, I would say that a player with a real journalist vain is a rarity. Most writers here, do this because of their likeness of the game and its community. Once we come upon such a player, trust me, no reward will be enough for him. Except than perhaps fame which is something he will most probably enjoy immediately. And as a proverb says, money has been hated by many but fame by none.
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