Credit/gc and market suggestion.

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Re: Credit/gc and market suggestion.

Postby Captain Jack » Mon May 16, 2016 5:42 pm

So many quality posts here. I tried replying... I spent like 20 minutes writing a great post and it was only for one of the many points raised here. So I deleted it and thought to reply in titles:
-Bigtea47 is right to bring it up. When you are used in spending 1 credit for 150k perhaps, now getting half of it sounds devastating and it truly is.
-Haron is again right asking for credits value change. We will reserve it for future. It could help perhaps.
-We kind of like the black market, for some reasons. If we were to ever remove the Send Credits options (which is a possibility) then it would not be for this reason.
-The idea to turn cards market into a stock market is great. Sadly, it will encourage cheating.
-Danik is right; in fact, we expected credits demand to be higher. This signifies a flaw in the credits where we need to improve their necessity. Mostly for established players. Newcomers already have more than enough uses for them. This alone could solve a lot.
-All SHM points are valid from my perspective.

Changing the credits exchange is not the way to go in my opinion. It was a tough decision to take when we took it. Changing it now, so little time after, would be a bad idea. It may take time but they will work again. Banks can be upgraded to meet the requirements for credits. Sure is that gold and credits are now tied whereas they weren't before and this creates extra headaches for all.

The more power the players have to resolve these headaches, the better for the game. Even if sales drop.
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Re: Credit/gc and market suggestion.

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon May 16, 2016 5:55 pm

Upgrading my bank to level 10 just so I can buy-in credits automatically wont resolve the issue : thats not the problem side of things, there is a massive glut of player credits around and very little player demand to buy them : to buy more in, the bank does need to sell them : limiting auto-sales to level15 banks complicates that process : realistically, no bank would get into the credit exchange until it reached level15 as any credits bought since it was level10 would just be piled up without the means to sell them thru the bank. Jumping to level15 is not a cheap option, especially if its just to be able to operate in the credit exchange market!
I seriously think the game must reconsider the size limitations on banks operating in the credit exchange market.
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Re: Credit/gc and market suggestion.

Postby Sebena » Mon May 16, 2016 6:02 pm

maybe make it for banks of lvl 10 able to operate with buying and selling credits instead of curnent 10 buying and 15 selling. I am sure that most players who own bank would consider raising it to level 10 faster.
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Re: Credit/gc and market suggestion.

Postby Captain Jack » Mon May 16, 2016 6:18 pm

What I cannot understand is that in the same time that banks buy credits for 80k they sell theirs at more than the double price.
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Re: Credit/gc and market suggestion.

Postby John jacob astor » Mon May 16, 2016 6:21 pm

so many more people are selling credits than buying them from banks which causes the price difference. the bankers need to sell their own at higher prices to make any money or stop buying people's credits all together.
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Re: Credit/gc and market suggestion.

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon May 16, 2016 6:24 pm

Captain Jack wrote:What I cannot understand is that in the same time that banks buy credits for 80k they sell theirs at more than the double price.

Probably because they will have bought much of their credit stock at much higher prices before the recent slump?

As an example : I bought credits at 125k last week : Now I can buy them a lot cheaper : but if I cut my selling price to suit the new price, say cost plus 50%.. I will not be making anything much at all on that stock...
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