Resource fleet

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Re: Resource fleet

Postby Bmw » Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:09 am

Danik has a way of putting his nose where it will be smashed or chopped off just like hes been doing for over a week now and hes trying to make things better in gameplay for people that play like he does by getting payed off by someone or just shelling then with voodoo for days on end.
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Re: Resource fleet

Postby Isabelle » Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:42 am

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't this thread's purpose for players to give their ideas and input?
Some ideas might require refinement which would come in the way of commenting on a previous post and sharing thoughts and experiences.

There are a few ways to grow within this game which makes it quite unique in my opinion. I believe that a variety of suggestions from a variety of players with their own style of playing is the best way to achieve enlightenment. :idea:
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Re: Resource fleet

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:46 am

Bmw wrote:Danik has a way of putting his nose where it will be smashed or chopped off just like hes been doing for over a week now and hes trying to make things better in gameplay for people that play like he does by getting payed off by someone or just shelling then with voodoo for days on end.

Try to stay on topic : a variety of 'Hate Danik 'threads can be found in the Union of Honor board, try using those.

Apart from which, your claims are laughable : the only 'paying off by some-one' that is getting done is your guild hiring mercs to hit my citizens : 'shelling voodoo for days on end' is also laughable when your own guildmates boast of dumping pages of it on me, not to mention the overall reductions in influence and populations you have put on our port : but hey, that's war, we have hit your ports too, and cast voodoo on your guildmates and you : it goes both ways. The cause of this war is simple : the guild USA, under its previous leadership and as part of its war on Spain ( surely you remember that, it wasnt just Roth and Aubrey dumping coin and cards to take Spains ports, but time flies and memories fade) decided to also attack Mexico's interests ( whilst denying it, naturally) : once the former leadership had departed, I sought to negotiate a new position with your new leadership[ : alas, they didnt seem to think a conversation was warranted, much less any negotiation : eventually your then leader announced that it takes two to make a war, our losses from the previous administration's aggression were down to us, nothing to do with you and that was that.

So, war is hell, dont enter it lightly : pain goes both ways and losses mount for all sides in it : alas, for you, your leadership prefered that option so stop whining and get on with it or get the heck out the way. Simples.

addendum : You obviously possess a minnow of a nose and are jealous of my fine probiscus : I have big feet too!
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Re: Resource fleet

Postby Bmw » Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:15 am

Danik wrote:
Bmw wrote:Danik has a way of putting his nose where it will be smashed or chopped off just like hes been doing for over a week now and hes trying to make things better in gameplay for people that play like he does by getting payed off by someone or just shelling then with voodoo for days on end.

Try to stay on topic : a variety of 'Hate Danik 'threads can be found in the Union of Honor board, try using those.

Apart from which, your claims are laughable : the only 'paying off by some-one' that is getting done is your guild hiring mercs to hit my citizens : 'shelling voodoo for days on end' is also laughable when your own guildmates boast of dumping pages of it on me, not to mention the overall reductions in influence and populations you have put on our port : but hey, that's war, we have hit your ports too, and cast voodoo on your guildmates and you : it goes both ways. The cause of this war is simple : the guild USA, under its previous leadership and as part of its war on Spain ( surely you remember that, it wasnt just Roth and Aubrey dumping coin and cards to take Spains ports, but time flies and memories fade) decided to also attack Mexico's interests ( whilst denying it, naturally) : once the former leadership had departed, I sought to negotiate a new position with your new leadership[ : alas, they didnt seem to think a conversation was warranted, much less any negotiation : eventually your then leader announced that it takes two to make a war, our losses from the previous administration's aggression were down to us, nothing to do with you and that was that.

So, war is hell, dont enter it lightly : pain goes both ways and losses mount for all sides in it : alas, for you, your leadership prefered that option so stop whining and get on with it or get the heck out the way. Simples.

addendum : You obviously possess a minnow of a nose and are jealous of my fine probiscus : I have big feet too!

ah yes danik you may be right that there's two sides to a war then why do we only see voodoo out of you and a protected fleet that i don't consider a war it just seems like your a witch doctor and all you want is money you make it very profitable for us though.
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Re: Resource fleet

Postby Brazzler » Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:19 am

Danik wrote:
Bmw wrote:Danik has a way of putting his nose where it will be smashed or chopped off just like hes been doing for over a week now and hes trying to make things better in gameplay for people that play like he does by getting payed off by someone or just shelling then with voodoo for days on end.

Try to stay on topic : a variety of 'Hate Danik 'threads can be found in the Union of Honor board, try using those.

I don't think we have enough ice for that burn. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Resource fleet

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:09 am

Bmw wrote:
Danik wrote:
Bmw wrote:Danik has a way of putting his nose where it will be smashed or chopped off just like hes been doing for over a week now and hes trying to make things better in gameplay for people that play like he does by getting payed off by someone or just shelling then with voodoo for days on end.

Try to stay on topic : a variety of 'Hate Danik 'threads can be found in the Union of Honor board, try using those.

Apart from which, ... long edit for brevity plus you'll have already read it, wont you?.... that was that.

So, war is hell, dont enter it lightly : pain goes both ways and losses mount for all sides in it : alas, for you, your leadership prefered that option so stop whining and get on with it or get the heck out the way. Simples.

addendum : You obviously possess a minnow of a nose and are jealous of my fine probiscus : I have big feet too!

ah yes danik you may be right that there's two sides to a war then why do we only see voodoo out of you and a protected fleet that i don't consider a war it just seems like your a witch doctor and all you want is money you make it very profitable for us though.

Well, its a fluid situation, is war, but looking over various spies on your guild leadership.. I have more ships than they do combined... as for voodoo cast... diddums.. like I said, just jealous of my fine probiscus...

Addendum : 'you make it very profitable for us though' is debatable : you could include the bounty money gained from, ah yes, casting voodoo, in your guilds 'profits' : except I do strongly suspect it was your guild that set the bounties : so, not profit at all, just an internal cash transfer : apart from that, your guild has been paying out, not in.
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