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[Exists] Trade voodoo for credits & turns

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:55 pm
by Adama
I think it would be cool to trade your voodoo cards in for credits not to other people just trade them in it would make it easier to buy turns and get credits maybe rare cards 10 uncommon 5 and common for 1 or 2 also i think the amount of turns we get should be up'ed 200 is alot but i mean when you love playing the game and cant waste the money on credits then its sad :lol: even 250 would be great people would play the game more often too.... win win situation :roll:
Its hercules177 not jkamb :?

Re: [Unanswered] Trade voodoo for credits & turns

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:54 am
by Captain Jack
This is already possible with current system.

Sell a card for credits in the Exchange Market -> Get turns with the credits you just got.