We will put the Total Savings amount in My Bank Accounts page.
We won't incorporate personal bank though. We will put this in the Bank page instead as it currently does not have its dedicated field there.
- Code: Select all
Bank Balance: Gold Coins 250,000,000 Deposit | Withdraw | Send Payment
Deposits Summary:
Active: gc 150,000,000
Inactive: gc 50,000,000
Total: Gold Coins 200,000,000
will become:
- Code: Select all
Bank Balance: Gold Coins 250,000,000 Deposit | Withdraw | Send Payment
Deposits Summary:
Active: gc 150,000,000
Inactive: gc 50,000,000
Total: Gold Coins 200,000,000
Personal Savings: 50,000,000
Since my bank is accessible through my bank accounts page with a direct link, it is better to put it there, mostly for dev reasons. Now,perhaps for bank owners it is also possible to put an overall savings at their bank page.