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In-game Alliance development..

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:32 am
by Acadien
Should'nt you add a Alliance setup in-game, instead of just a plain chat? Here what i've got in mind..

-Alliance name
-Alliance fame ( Total fame from each member )
-Alliance member Board ( Post message, only member of the alliance can see it )
-Alliance Port ( Drop / Trade, ressource with fellow member )
-Alliance Attack (Need to be on the same port, team-up with a fellow member to engage a naval combat to the ennemy )
-Alliance Defend (Need to be on the same port, You're fellow member will engage himself in a combat with you, if you get attacked)
-Alliance Stats ( Successful attemp Attack / Defence , unsuccessful attemp on Attack / Defence )
-Alliance blacklist ( Bounty Hunter needed for a wanted pirate + reward )-> ( Reward should be drop at the alliance port, ready to pick up by the bounty hunter)

I know it's look like big too do.. But it would be a huge + to the game.

Re: In-game Alliance development..

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:21 am
by Captain Jack
We have in mind to add an in-game alliance system so every idea on this is welcomed.

Re: In-game Alliance development..

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:30 am
by Admiral nimitz
A simple, basic alliance chat in game would be cool. Perhaps a shared warehouse to pool resources, that has a way to reserve resources for a certain person or to let them be available to anyone, and a way to share gold between members. And have alliance warehouses (like a regular warehouse) show trade info in each port you've built one that's visible to all members.

Maybe alliance ports you could build, to give alliances a way to harbor hteir ships, and to give them something to attach on other alliances.

Re: In-game Alliance development..

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:47 am
by Light
May be cool.. :)

Re: In-game Alliance development..

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:52 pm
by Roileon
Bringing back this old forum. Some of the things suggested here have been suggested and I think it should be open to discussion again as some of these ideas have not been re-introduced or implemented.