[Implemented] Archive Battle Reports Page

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[Implemented] Archive Battle Reports Page

Postby Roberts » Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:23 am

So, they are many of us that have took special ships : Such as Ship of The Lines/Man of Wars , I think the ability to Archive a Battle Report would be great - Whether its public or not ; Of course, this could go in where Your Battles/Guild Battles is then add a .../.../Archived Battles is...

Why? Well after 6 months : You loose battles that are older then 6 months : So, in that way : You would eventually loose the battle report - Meaning players could call you out for lying about taking X's ship - You would not have any proof... Now, this could lead on to further development ; And a place to spend gold coins...

Such as, per battle it would cost you 250,000 gold coins to Archive one : You would have a selection of what to remove/Make Public - Maybe another page for " Public Archives "... The Archives would last as long as you want them too... As for me, Battle Reports are my type of trophy's...

Many Thanks,
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Re: Archive Battle Reports Page *Suggestion*

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:26 pm

The problem with the battles is that their numbers is massive and they cost later in game speed, when stored in mass.
However, the request is fair. We could make it happen without a cost in speed. It will require a special implementation to achieve this.

There still needs to be a limit though for all. Paying gold coins for such does not seems right at all. What we instead could do, is to allow about 10 battles for non-premium players (those that never spent a penny in the game) and about 25 for the premium ones (a similar metric is used for inbox mails where premium players get 1000 messages versus 300 of non-premium ones).

If 25 is still not enough for some, we could allow +25 per 10 credits perhaps. The cost is symbolic, just to ensure that players only archive the important ones.

After all, I do think that the 25 battles limit will be enough for most.

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Re: Archive Battle Reports Page *Suggestion*

Postby Roberts » Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:34 pm

Captain Jack wrote:The problem with the battles is that their numbers is massive and they cost later in game speed, when stored in mass.
However, the request is fair. We could make it happen without a cost in speed. It will require a special implementation to achieve this.

There still needs to be a limit though for all. Paying gold coins for such does not seems right at all. What we instead could do, is to allow about 10 battles for non-premium players (those that never spent a penny in the game) and about 25 for the premium ones (a similar metric is used for inbox mails where premium players get 1000 messages versus 300 of non-premium ones).

If 25 is still not enough for some, we could allow +25 per 10 credits perhaps. The cost is symbolic, just to ensure that players only archive the important ones.

After all, I do think that the 25 battles limit will be enough for most.


Aye, that is why they battles are deleted : That much I do know ; Traffic and packets sent etc. Yes - A limit indeed after all, everyone's time comes when : Their ships get taken ;But, they get forgotten about : Yupp, 25 battles seem fair to me, it would be a good implementation.. Regarding 25 per 10 credits : I would only save the mow fleets/sotl fleets I take... As I do not think large fluyts would be archived, after all.

As I have captured 7-9 Man of wars in my time : And around 15 ship of the line I think, some reports are long gone though... ( 3 of the sotl has indeed been helped by Redbard once ) So technically 7-9 mows and 12 sotl..
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Re: [Approved] Archive Battle Reports Page

Postby Roberts » Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:52 pm

Civilian:Are you insane? One pirate against trained pirates... Who do you think this man is? God?
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Re: [Approved] Archive Battle Reports Page

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:12 pm


Starting limit is 25 per player.

However, if another player saves the same battle, the battle will not be lost. Such a battle will not be placed to the archives page though until you also place it there (to prevent confusion). Such a battle does not count into your limit (ofc).

There are no means to increase this limit for now. We will review the situation again in the near future where we will try to find a good balance.

Keep in mind that PvP battles are stored for a whole year before deleted (npc battles for 10 days). Perhaps we can revise the PvP battles to 6 months and double the size of battles one can have.

During the review, with more data at hand as how this feature is used, we will be able to take more solid decisions.
Veteran players that deplete their limit and are worried of running out of time to save the battles, please post here to remind us of this.

As it stands now, I have scheduled to review this in exactly 1 month from now.
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Re: [Implemented] Archive Battle Reports Page

Postby Admiral Nelson » Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:43 pm

Thank you.

However, some of my infamous battles such as the Joe boot raid have already gone.

12 Battles stored already.
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