Guild Ideas: post your own

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Guild Ideas: post your own

Postby Acadien » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:56 pm

Would it be possible to get our Guild Tag added beside our name in the general ranking.

Just easier to find who is in what guild instead of going from guild to guild to find their members.
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Re: Guild Tag

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:16 am

Certainly! In a few moments it will be there ;)
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Re: Guild Tag

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:26 am

Implemented. Any more ideas, add them here, I have changed the suggestion title so everyone can post their ideas about guilds.
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Re: Guild Ideas: post your own

Postby Phill » Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:42 pm

Perhaps some sort of guild warehouse, where any member can deposit wares which can either be sold by other members in need of money or can be used by other members to build ships.

It would all be controlled by the guild leader (or anassigned first mate).

Along the same lines a guild treasure chest could be used to communist it up and share funds. Both would have to be bought and possibly upgraded by the guild leader

If this were implemented, there could be voodoo cards to steal goods, funds, empty wares etc along the same lines as they are used against individual people.
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Re: Guild Ideas: post your own

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:00 pm

In a general note here, regaring new implementations, we are interested to get the best solution everytime, whether this will hurt some or not. As game progresses there will be ideas that will be controversial. So the best solution always is to sit down and create a list of prons and cons. The more feedback we get, the easier would be to take final decisions.

So onwards to the suggestion. If we are to add it, we must think the positives and negatives out of this. Your ideas as served, seems to target the ability to help someone which is currently an ability that is not available; I am all up for it. Especially, to help someone through cooperation as more than 1 players will contribute to the cause. Can you think of more positives?

However I am not sure if the central treasury idea is the way to do it. I cannot think of anything bad yet, but it needs to be carefully examined. This is what I will do. In the meantime, feel free to add your 2 cents anyone.

As a general rating, it sounds like a big one but we can do it soon if we get down to the details.
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Re: Guild Ideas: post your own

Postby Phill » Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:32 pm

Well, a central treasury could result in the leader stealing your money and scamming you. But we are all pirates afterall, so I don't think theft is too outlandish.

It would act as a store for many leaders to stop people using the money the booty master voodoo card on them, so to even it up I think there should be a rare voodoo which steals a percentage (but a smaller one, maybe 2%-5%) of a guild's money. I think it would create some interesting bigger rivalries!

But not every player would feel comfortable placing their funds in the trust of someone else. There would be problems to iron out, but as long as there's a clear warning before depositing money, saying that you're entrusting your guild's leader completely, it should mean noone can complain.

It would certainly help more new players stay, as if I got a friend to sign up, they would be a lot more reasons for them to stick around if I gave them a few thousand gold to get their character going.
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Re: Guild Ideas: post your own

Postby Acadien » Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:56 pm

For the Guildmaster.

When you are refusing or accepting an application.
It would be good if a pop-up screen appear so you can explain at the applicant why he was refused or accepted to the guild.

Right now if you click denied application it close everything with no explaination.

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Re: Guild Ideas: post your own

Postby Captain Jack » Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:42 pm

Agreed, Phil I really like your explanation. Therefore the treasury must and will become a reality soon.

Acadien, I agree with your suggestion too. Sounds very reasonable and needed. Till this is added, feel free to just message him.
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Re: Guild Ideas: post your own

Postby Phill » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:29 pm

After plundering someone a great deal, I've realised they're a member of the PK guild and I'm friendly with a couple of their members. :oops:

Perhaps on the plunder screen it could show a person's guild tag to stop people making mistakes? It's one thing for an older player like myself to make this mistake (which is completely my own fault, I admit) but it could result in a newer player feeling the wrath of an entire guild because they hit someone without realising.

Not essential, and it is a pretty easy mistake to avoid if on the ball, but I wasn't and I'm sure many others wouldn't be either
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Re: Guild Ideas: post your own

Postby Hellfire » Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:47 pm

Working off of phill's idea, could there be some way to take friendly guilds members and guild-mates off of your plunder screen, or at least give them their own box off of the normal one in case you and a bud want to see who's fleet is better.
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