Danik, worker production is not linear whereas Goldsmith production is. Workers production is Workers/10.
Here is the formula again:
- Code: Select all
Production Rate = Goldsmith Level*10 + Workers/10 per hour
The reason behind the formula is to add extra cost to those who want to produce more.
Regarding the logical sense issue, imagine that this is a Goldsmith in around 1650. The machinery is limited and what each level basically adds is a few more machines (better rate per level) and space (more space for workers). The reasons that production per worker are:
-The workers educational level is low.
-This leads them in not maximizing production possibilities as they do not cooperate fully.
-There are no mechanical wagons, so many of the workers are used to drag the carts.
-Others are used for security/organizing.
-There is more room for corruption (they need to smoke and drink and eat what you are paying them for after all) as they can hide easier in the mass.
-I am sure you can find more reasons here to make it sound pretty much realistic.
In fact, per worker production is the SAME for every level. Number change (Workers/10 is what workers add).