[Implemented] Bounty board/Bountries

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Re: bounty board

Postby Lefty » Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:52 pm

Card idea.....Put a Sock in it. last for 24 hours.turns 50 . unstackable. no outbox. would render the affected player mute in all forums and game play for 1 day. Think about it , would disable the leader of a guild or a one man card army for 24 hours. :lol: carry on squabblers
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Re: bounty board

Postby Xepshunall » Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:28 pm

Lefty wrote:Card idea.....Put a Sock in it. last for 24 hours.turns 50 . unstackable. no outbox. would render the affected player mute in all forums and game play for 1 day. Think about it , would disable the leader of a guild or a one man card army for 24 hours. :lol: carry on squabblers

With all DUE respect, clarification would be useful while blabber is not so if you would.....
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Re: bounty board

Postby Hawk » Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:03 pm

In response to the bounty board idea, maybe once the bounty is cast the targeted player gets put up on a list for 24 hours. Any player that hits that target would get a percent of the bounty at the end of the 24 hours in addition to the gold plundered. For example, lets say I Hawk cast a bounty of 400k gold on Black Sparrow. He goes up on the board for 24 hours and in that time 4 people hit his ships at least once. Once the bounty ends they would all get 100k gold.
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Re: bounty board

Postby M0nkeydluffy » Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:28 pm

nice idea. .gets more involved in the hunt. .nice one sky
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Re: bounty board

Postby Roileon » Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:10 pm

i like it. now i can put up a bounty for 1mill on Max Ravenhall and deed is done 8-)
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Re: bounty board

Postby Roileon » Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:33 am

In the current game play, a bounty board is more relevant. Where you can put a credit bounty on a player (not gold as that can be abused and creates a new way to cheat), and someone can accept, and if they successfully do it, then the credits are transferred. This needs to be worked out some more but I'm sure some of you have ideas.
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Postby Magefultz » Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:07 pm

Here is a idea for the game. Being able to place bounties on players.

How it would work a player would place gold reward on a player. That gold would be taken from your gold total when you place it. When a player with a bounty get's attack the attack will gain that reward plus the normal plunder reward.
You will be able to find the bounties in the tavern page.

Players will be only able to place on players that are not of they're guild or notion. Also guilds and notion will be able to place bounties as well. When you have a bounty you also will get fame from the bounty over time because people know about you.
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Re: Bounties

Postby Francois le Clerc » Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:28 pm

[quote="Magefultz"]Here is a idea for the game. Being able to place bounties on players.

How it would work a player would place gold reward on a player. That gold would be taken from your gold total when you place it. When a player with a bounty get's attack the attack will gain that reward plus the normal plunder reward.
You will be able to find the bounties in the tavern page.

would it not be even better if we could use fame,voodoo and credits as payment with a limit of 5 bounties per day so persons dont manipulate the system
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Re: Bounties

Postby Captain meow » Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:59 pm

you are crazy
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Re: Bounties

Postby Francois le Clerc » Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:02 am

pretty crazy what can i say am learning the game every idea i get i establish
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