[Implemented] Wishlist for Card Auctions

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[Implemented] Wishlist for Card Auctions

Postby Xepshunall » Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:33 pm

I have a list of cards that I am always willing to buy and prices I would pay for each. Is there any chance that you would be willing to create a new section in the Voodoo Auction where a prospective buyer can anonymously request specific voodoo and can post the max credits he is willing to pay. Then he can get an event notification when a request has gotten an offer. It should maybe have boxes to indicate whether the buyer is looking for the lowest price or just immediate availability and whether this request should stay up until manually taken down (e.g. player wants many of the same card and will likely buy all that are offered. This may drive up prices.) or until a developer-imposed time limit has been reached or if he is just looking for a one-time purchase. If the player doesn't have the means to pay his max price then his request should be blocked. If it is posted, his price in credits should be withdrawn from what he has until the request is removed.
I assume the gears are turning and that you can see how this would entice players to buy credits so that their desired voodoo can get to their inventory quickly.
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Re: "Cards Wanted" section for the Voodoo Auction.

Postby Jim Hawkins » Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:58 pm

Nothing wrong with the present system. Market forces prevail. Once you start setting prices you also set the starting price for the auction. You could set a high price and prevent smaller less off players from getting the chance to win. Plus it would mean you would not have to be online as much
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Re: "Cards Wanted" section for the Voodoo Auction.

Postby Roileon » Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:53 pm

I think it is a good idea. If putting up a "wishlist" sort of thing then players can say what they want and someone can make them and offer of the card. The current system is ok but this extra thing would boost players ability to get what they want and would result in a more used and realistic auction. If I say I want a hostile natives then someone can respond and put one up. I don't see what is wrong and how it restricts players.
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Re: "Cards Wanted" section for the Voodoo Auction.

Postby Captain dungeness » Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:56 pm

I think this is a great idea. I would probably sell more cards if this were a thing. I have many cards sitting around that I don't use that I'm sure someone else could use. Also There are a few beneficial cards I just can't get enough of that other people don't seem to value as highly. I don't take the time to list all the cards I have so I never sell those somewhat useless cards.

Please add :)

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Re: "Cards Wanted" section for the Voodoo Auction.

Postby Xepshunall » Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:37 pm

Raster wrote:Nothing wrong with the present system. Market forces prevail. Once you start setting prices you also set the starting price for the auction. You could set a high price and prevent smaller less off players from getting the chance to win. Plus it would mean you would not have to be online as much

You have the choice to post in the Auction or sell to someone who specifies their needs. You may believe that the auction will get you a better price or a larger customer base. Final selling price at auction sets a player's next offered price for the same card. You may want to sell directly to get the credits right away. This idea will not hinder you from getting what you want. If nobody on the "Cards Wanted" section is willing to pay a seller's price, it will be placed in the auction. Sometimes the auction will get you a higher gain than a set price sale.

Another thing that should be possible is to sort the columns by item or price or time limit.
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Re: "Cards Wanted" section for the Voodoo Auction.

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:04 pm

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Re: [Approved] "Cards Wanted" section for the Voodoo Auction

Postby Roileon » Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:59 am

*cheers! :D
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Re: [Approved] "Cards Wanted" section for the Voodoo Auction

Postby Splinter » Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:19 am

Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! CHEERS
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Re: [Approved] "Cards Wanted" section for the Voodoo Auction

Postby Black sparrow » Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:50 pm

Can you give a priority to this ? I can't wait for this. It should not be too difficult, right ?

Perhaps also add a search button ?
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Re: [Approved] "Cards Wanted" section for the Voodoo Auction

Postby Admiral blackpants » Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:57 pm

Will you get to see the seller and the buyers identity? I would be apprehensive to sell powerful voodoo to a player in a known enemy guild where they could turn and use it against me. I know that my enemies buy my voodoo off the market now, but I am not "knowingly" supplying my enemy with voodoo.
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