This has been talked about in other topics but I want to know what people think: Do you want 3-port trade routes?
This would allow traders to list up to 3 ports and the fleet would visit each port in order. Of course the player could leave the 3rd port blank and then the fleet would trade like it does now. So, for example, you could make a trade fleet that will buy tools in Vassburg and store the tools in Chalkos, then buy some food there and head over to Prote to sell it and pick up wood to then go sell in Vassburg before starting over.
What's the difference between this idea and what we can do now? More profit for the trader. Many great trading ports are so far apart that danger remains at zero so by stopping at another port along the way you can make another profitable transaction while still staying below 3 danger.
See Triangular Trade on Wikipedia:
Would you use this if Captain Jack agreed to add it?