Credits/Gold exchange?

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Credits/Gold exchange?

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:29 pm

I wonder what the playerbase would think of such a feature?

It will be a live exchange where players will be able to trade gold coins for credits. Do note, not SEND but exchange. This feature could follow the banks feature as the transactions will only be possible though a bank in order not to mess with player treasury at all.
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Re: Credits/Gold exchange?

Postby Mohammed » Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:34 pm

well if i do understand what you wrote hear is what i think it well be a great future but how well we be able to exchange gold for credits well it have it is own page where players well make public offer 1 mil for 10 credits something like that right . and they well be anonymous

if it is like what i described it well be great for people witch cant afford credits
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Re: Credits/Gold exchange?

Postby Shaydo » Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:54 pm

Building on what Mohammed wrote if i read write. A system effectively like the voodoo trading is now, you select the amount of credits you wish to sell and the price in gold your asking, then post it up so no one knows who posted and who won. This would certainly be beneficial for people, use an excess of one to generate more of the other. However it would allow people to effectively 'Hide' gold away where it couldn't be touched by anyone, at all, by temporarily turning it into credits, kind of like how the Treasure Hunt feature at present acts like a deposit free vault, Spend a few turns and your gold is safe/untouchable, (i'm inclined to think this may have lead to an increase in raids), except it would be wait till its all clear, wait a couple days, get your gold back...

If Captain Jack you mean a system between Admin and individual players, then it has most of the benefits of a player-player system but with most none of the possible draw backs. It would give people that didn't wish to buy credits a means to still eventually become a power in this game, As it stands, spend a load of money and you can be a voodoo god, build fleets and kick back and anyone not buying credits won't catch up, this would allow them to still be able to catch up, it would just take a lot more time and effort which would still keep the purchase option appealing to people but put everyone back on a more even footing?

You say it would need to be done through banks so as not to mess with treasury. But instead could you have it a similar system to that of Treasure Hunt? For example:-
You can only deposit gold in multiples equal to 1,2,3... credits, so if 1 credit was 1mill, you can deposit successively 1mill, 2mill 3mill and so forth.
Once deposited the gold can't be withdrawn to stop people hiding their gold, and you can either store it there and then buy credits when ever you choose, maybe put it on a time delay similar to purchasing turns?
It spends straight away and for every multiple deposited you are sent 1 credit in a manner similar to how players currently trade credits, maybe its sent from the main admin account?

Hope that makes sense, brain kinda ran away with itself.
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Re: Credits/Gold exchange?

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:03 pm

No admin intervention exchange. Only players to players.
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Re: Credits/Gold exchange?

Postby Xepshunall » Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:35 pm

Credits for gold = yes
Credits for ships (Commandeer purchasable at auction) = yes
Plunder for credits = yes (transferred upon or prior to contract fulfillment)
Plunder for ships = no
Plunder for gold = no

Credits = cash spent
credits spent = approved
cash spent = approved
no cash spent = cheating

So, what do I think? I think that it sounds like it's okay to break the law as long as you're willing to pay off the judge.
How far off am I?
As it stands, there is little enough information here to decide if a responsible decision is being made by Admin or if it's just another way to "encourage" players to purchase credits. Keep in mind that not every player who reads this topic will have read you response in:
nor is there enough information in that thread to explain why this isn't an example of sanctioned milking.
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Re: Credits/Gold exchange?

Postby Mohammed » Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:26 pm

and this well be good for new players that can pay for credits it well give them a lot of gold in an easy fashion
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Re: Credits/Gold exchange?

Postby Xepshunall » Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:59 pm

So will buying voodoo packs and turns, casting Tidal Waves, strategically selling the ships, casting Buried Treasures and Hidden Treasures then Pouches of Gold.

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