Should'nt you add a Alliance setup in-game, instead of just a plain chat? Here what i've got in mind..
-Alliance name
-Alliance fame ( Total fame from each member )
-Alliance member Board ( Post message, only member of the alliance can see it )
-Alliance Port ( Drop / Trade, ressource with fellow member )
-Alliance Attack (Need to be on the same port, team-up with a fellow member to engage a naval combat to the ennemy )
-Alliance Defend (Need to be on the same port, You're fellow member will engage himself in a combat with you, if you get attacked)
-Alliance Stats ( Successful attemp Attack / Defence , unsuccessful attemp on Attack / Defence )
-Alliance blacklist ( Bounty Hunter needed for a wanted pirate + reward )-> ( Reward should be drop at the alliance port, ready to pick up by the bounty hunter)
I know it's look like big too do.. But it would be a huge + to the game.