Most Lee Harmless wrote:How about an Elbonian version of the draft?
For the uninitiated, Elbonia is a fictious nation, rather corrupt and yet proud. As a leading light in your nation your duty is to promote the best to lead your noble forces. BUT! You are a traitor! Thus, your true task is to promote the worst possible candidates, those not only incompetent but those incapable of working together. The hard part is 'justifying' your choices because, heck!, who would have thought that teaming Stan Rogers and Dman together would produce anything less than utter harmony?
DezNutz wrote:Most Lee Harmless wrote:How about an Elbonian version of the draft?
For the uninitiated, Elbonia is a fictious nation, rather corrupt and yet proud. As a leading light in your nation your duty is to promote the best to lead your noble forces. BUT! You are a traitor! Thus, your true task is to promote the worst possible candidates, those not only incompetent but those incapable of working together. The hard part is 'justifying' your choices because, heck!, who would have thought that teaming Stan Rogers and Dman together would produce anything less than utter harmony?
I like the idea.
So pretty much any team with Leo in it would be ideal.