Although time can be crucial, it is not the fundamental requirement. Every griefing case starts with this Fundamental question:
Is the account playing at its own full benefit?
If the answer is NO, then you do NOT need to check anything else. If the answer is YES, then other factors might come in, like you said, time. You can find the full details here:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4318Every case is different as it is hard to determine the account's full benefit. We are the ones who will determine this in the end and no one else. So, it is clear that our judgment defines the game. However, this is why administration exists in the first place. So far, we have had good resolutions in the majority of the incidents but as the receiving end, you might not always be happy with a decision outcome. This is why I am writing this paragraph; Our decisions when we enforce the rules are not to make you happy but to keep the game fair for
As for reporting, I have already started and finished my investigation on Redish, before I saw this topic. Please, always use in-game controls/forms/PMs for reporting one player and not the forums. Rest assured that all needed actions will be taken.