Greetings everyone!
Since my last auction went so well, I have been hired to offer you yet another auction. A marvelous ship that has been victorious in battles in the past, offered by a mysterious seller!
This one-of-a-kind Man'o War, is level 10 and it has 60 points! The more you can hope for!
Let's see the value of this ship!
The last Level 1 Man o' War has been sold for 275 credits. So it is safe to assume that 250 credits is a fair price for such a ship.
To get a lvl 1 Man o' War to level 10, one would need 22.5M at least and up to 27.5M. At a credit price of 205,000, we are looking to a sum of at least 109 credits here.
Now, typically, a level 10 ship has about 42 points. If one uses 18 Master Craftmanship cards to take it to 60, it will cost him around 18*25 (26.6 average price for MCs) = 450 credits.
So, the current value of the ship has to be calculated around at least:
Base Price (250) + Leveling Value (109) + Points Upgrades (450) = 809
Of course, there is only 1 at the market right now, not level 10 and 60 pointer, but a Man of War! This has to add more value to it, right?
Still, the mysterious seller, as he is in need of credits for his... banking endeavours, he decided to sacrifice it now, for a mere 699 credits!
This is a great opportunity to profit on his loss and grab it now, before anyone else does!
You can always count on me, to sell it again later to a greater price... for a small fee.
It is after all, an investment opportunity! Make sure you got a place in your private marina ready!
Bid now here!