Okay this shall be a new role play that I hope many players will participate in. This one will have a rule that things must be realistic- most of the time anyway I won't mind if someone does something a tad bit unrealistic, so long as its not ridiculous and they don't do it repeatedly.
For example saying your character fought 4 guards in a swordfight and killed them all with only minor injuries I would allow, but don't do such things repeatedly.
The rules are as follows.
1. Try to make things believable and keep to the theme. No aliens, no cowboys, etc. Though supernatural things are fine-Voodoo, and ghosts for example. Mermaids are also fine along with any other myths common at this time period. Just don't fill the story with it.
2. Try to keep things in character. Don't post something unrelated to the RP here. If you don't like this RP, don't complain about it here. Post a new thread or start your own RP thread if you don't like this one. I would actually be quite happy if someone posts a RP of their own so please feel free to do so.
3. You can control your characters actions-You can not control others. NPC's are fair game and anyone can control them, so long as its believable and in character. A guard for example shouldn't just up and decide to shoot an orphan for no reason-that is out of character.
4. You are allowed to have multiple characters- but be reasonable. Don't flood the story with a bunch of your characters. 2 or 3 in one story is fine, anything past that is sort of pushing it unless you are really good at managing them.
5. Use Italics for actions, and use Quotation marks for speaking. Also use paragraphs when needed.
5. The most important rule- Have fun.
Rule 6-same as rule 1 but since this RP is planned to be much more realistic I feel it needs to be reemphasized-keep things mostly believable-the occasional exaggeration is fine so long as its somewhat reasonable.
Rule 7-This role play I decided is going to be happening at the same time as the other. So therefore NO characters in the other story can be used here.
Next post starts the RP