As an attempt to help out newcomers in the game, The Night's Chest bank is adjusting the interest rates in favour for the newcomers.
On mortgages between 50-100k gold, the new interest will be 0%
On mortgages between 100-250k gold, the interest rate will remain unchanged at 1.5%
The interest rate on default mortgages will be set to 35% since the Night's Chest bank may have some
shareholders that won't allow the bank to squander the bank's reserves. Even the most honorable
bankier is known to have a morale that's slightly less stellar than what a gutter wench and
a one legged thief has together after a week without food and rum.
There is none of that in the Night's Chest and the same goes for discression. There may have been
a few incidents in the early days but it may have ended when the prior chairman during an event
seemed to have "developed a digestion problem" in wich that unfortunate bankier started to fall
apart in front of the horrified staff. Some very dark stories have now and then been heard from
the corners in dimly lit taverns where some badly shaking clerks spoke in hushed voices -
Some staff had just disappeared in front of them whilst agonizing screams seemed to come from
everywhere and nowhere. Another cleric had his hand nailed to the desk when he tried to siphon
away a few pieces of coppers in a totally empty room except from the cleric himself.
The Night's Chest offers some very advantagous mortgages for the newcomers.