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Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:18 am
by PhoenixKnight
For 2 days only, I will pay 500K for each Transport Immigrants cast on Baramas, Tortouga, Regis and Seaglory. PM me the cast and I will pay you through my bank.

Re: Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:29 am
by Most Lee Harmless
Very poor value : TI's selling at 9-10 in market : current credit exchange rates.. thats 2mil gc per card...

Re: Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:43 am
by PhoenixKnight
As I keep making the rate is driven high by the sellers of credits. I am willing to make it a million.
Keep in mind that many players without ports have. I use for the cards.

Look at it this way. If the port has 200million NPC, 1 card will add 2 million. From those only 60% can pay taxes, so 1.2million. This means at most you are getting 32k per day from that card. If for the sake of argument we raise the population to nearly 2 billion which is the game cap, at most you will get 320K per day from the card. I think my offer is very generous

Re: Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:54 am
by Haron
I will buy any TIs sold on the market for 6 credits. I will also buy these credits back for 200 gc each on the credit market. That's 1,2M per card.

Note, however, that other players will probably bid MORE than 6 credits, and maybe also more than 200 gc for your credits. Expect to make at LEAST 1,5M per card sold on the market. And you don't even have to spend turns casting them! :-)

Re: Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:00 am
by PhoenixKnight
Your choice, but the real value of the card is less than a fifth of that value. Why would I spend that much.

Re: Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:02 am
by Haron
If it's worth less to you, then pay less. It's obviously worth even MORE to others, since the cards sell for 8-10 credits on the market without any problem.

The "real value" of these cards are quite high, used right. And as always, those who value them highest are the ones willing to pay most, and thus the ones who end up buying them.

Re: Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:05 am
by Grimrock Litless
You make this kind of deals is because you yourself don't have the voodoo, so when the player have the choose to cast it which give less than selling it on market where you could be bidding on it, they would choose the later one.

Re: Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:13 am
by PhoenixKnight
That's is the wrong concept because as it is, the card values now are going only towards their market value which is skewed from their real value.
With this growth, the cards are becoming a tool to get credits and have no cast value. Can you tell me honestly that there is a card in the market right now that will benefit the you in a sure way that is not way overpriced? The answer is probably no

Re: Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:18 am
by Malachi Constant
there has to be some balance and the card and credit market is trending up up up. I purchase a variety of card in the market but my buying has slowed to see if this is a bubble or a new reality.

Re: Limited time offer: Transpost Immigrants

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:23 am
by Haron
Lots of cards! Which is why I'm buying them. But of course, only those who can get maximum benefit from a card will cast them; others will sell it on the market to people who can get more from casting them.

For instance, spending a TI card on a port with 500M citizens gives more value than on a port with 150M citizens. And even at 15 credits, with 200gc pr credit, I'm not selling my Ambush cards. We do raids sometimes that make even such high prices worth it.

FFJs going for 7 credits, making lighting someone up cost nearly 4,5 M gc (including turns)? Why, I can even make that worth it - some times. Done optimally.

Getting full value of purely destructive cards like Assassin is harder, of course, but it seems we've gotten a specialist for just that card in Avonmora. The same would apply to Black Death, except they are needed for rising in ranks in nations.

Pouch of gold for 10 credits? No, I don't see that one. But if someone else does, be my guest. I'm selling mine. Bribe for 10 credits? Only a handful players can make that worth it - but it IS worth it to them, and so they pay that price on the market.

It's not that hard. In a fully flexible "auction" market, any good should be sold for a price equal to the second highest price anyone is willing to pay for it. So most players should sell their cards, and only those able to get maximum benefit from them, should use them.