Brian shakes his head
The point remains-if 2 captains of equal skill, battle with a sloop and a frigate, and equal conditions, the frigate will win 9 times out of 10. A sloop, no matter how outfitted it may be, is still inferior to a decent frigate-tactics and the captains skill is a different matter altogether. Your logic would be like to say a hyena just as mighty as a lion, because you have seen a hyena manage to kill a lion by outsmarting it. At the end of the day, one is clearly greater then the other. So a cutter is always inferior to a frigate in battle. But as I said-a cutter is faster and good at running away from such large ships. But I digress, me and Carl will be hitting the hay. Tomorrow the 2 of us will be outfitting our brig for more cannons if possible.