RP- Invasion of Colisquia

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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Meliva » Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:27 am

As the 2 sides meet one of the robed figures steps forward and nods

I am Aso. Now before things proceed I wish to make one thing very clear. This foothold we have in this region will remain. We will not surrender it, nor let if fall-it is far too valuable to allow that to happen. If things do not work out and you try to remove it, every slave we have in it will be executed, and we will devote all of our forces to not only taking this spot back, but to push even farther and deeper into Avonmora. But we are willing to negotiate other matters that do not demand our removal.

Zephyra steps forward and nods

Well, a meeting between the Otts and the avonmora mage guild is a definate demand i have. Our 2 groups have been at each others throats for too long and should be stopped.

The admiral thinks for a moment before speaking.

A peace treaty with Spain would be nice, along with perhaps a trade agreement-it was very profitable relationship we had before the whole slave issue. On that note, Jack, James, I figure you lads would want to discuss the fate of the slaves.
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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Jack Teach » Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:36 am

jack says

We would like to perhaps work up a to peacefully elimination of slavery, which is one hell of a demand I know. Your nation is however quite rich with trade already, and slavery's elimation may be fine for your economy.
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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Meliva » Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:58 am

Aso laughs and shakes his head

Oh lord, that is certainly one hell of a demand. However I am afraid that is something that can't be given, at least not by me as even if I wanted to give it, I certainly don't have the authority. Not to mention all the chaos that would ensure upon making such a decision. If we freed all our slaves, where do they go? If they stay in our lands it is likely they will harbor grudges and some may enact vengeance, and most would be unable to find work. And many were born in our lands, and have no homeland to return to. Then there's the issue of reimbursement, as every single slave owner is going to demand compensation for such a rule. And ultimately while we do have a good hold in the slave trade, we are not the sole member of it. You remove our grasp in that trade and our neighbors will quickly seize control over it.

Aso thinks for a moment and nods to Zephyra

Personally I think the western mages have the right idea of using constructs over humans for menial labor. Much more efficient. And while I certainly can't do what you ask of me regarding slaves, I can at least offer to release the ones we hold here, and promise to not trade them in these lands in the future so long as I am in charge of this region. In return some nice golems would be proper compensation, and you will be tasked with handling the slaves transport home or to new lands. The rest of the demands can be agreed upon as is. What say you?
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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Jack Teach » Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:34 pm

jack nods

Sounds fine.
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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Meliva » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:52 pm

Aso nods as they conclude the talks and leaves. He shouts back as he leaves to the group

As a sort of precaution, I will be releasing only half the slaves to you now, and the other half will be sent into your lands freed within the week. Just to make sure that you and your men won't storm our city and kill us all once the slaves are safe. Need to make sure we have some leverage after all.

A large group of slaves are handed over, as the Admiral quickly sets them aboard some ships and prepares to leave. Veera shortly after joins back with them, looking much better as she nods to Jack.

Well looks like you all succeeded. Good job. Unless there's something else you wish to do in these lands i figure it would be a good time to go home and celebrate.
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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Jack Teach » Fri Dec 21, 2018 11:21 pm

Jack nods

It's high time we get back.
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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Meliva » Sat Dec 22, 2018 12:33 am

As they all go back to their ships, they see Vune standing at the docks, wearing no mask and just giving a very sinister smile to the group. Zeph looks uncomfortable as she nods to her

Uh, hey mom You doing okay?

Vune smiles wider her eyes glowing slightly as she replies somewhat annoyed

I'm doing fine. Now at least. But, you all won't be doing so well.

She points her hand out, and quickly blasts Veera, Eloth and Zephyra, turning each into stone and teleporitng them away, before looking to Jack and James.

How are you 2 lads doing? Good job on the whole Colisquin job by the way.
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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Jack Teach » Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:10 am

Jack stares in horror and shock

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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Meliva » Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:31 am

Vune chuckles

Don't worry about them. They are my family and I do love them. But I think they all deserve to spend a week alone trapped since they all neglected to help me when I was stuck on the bloody moon for over a month. So a week in stone is suitable punishment in my eyes.

I mean do you have any idea how awful it is being stuck up there? With nothing to eat but Moshi and only a rabbit for company? Was starting to go insane up there.
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Re: RP- Invasion of Colisquia

Postby Jack Teach » Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:15 pm

Michael appears behind jack

Sounds horrible.
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