Quetzalcoatl wrote:The simple remedy in these type situations is the fact you should not be able to carry your influence built in one nation into another unless you carry a army with you to take military control over the country. The influence a leader has built with citizens through bribes, trading, investment in shipping and goods, political investment, is lost when one moves across the waters to a new nation where he/she has no prior built support base. CDV ambitious venture into multiple nations king is certainly interesting to watch, however this clearly displays the impracticability of the current system of retaining influence into a nation that has no knowledge of who you are when you arrive without a support base.
I am in agreement with this proposal : at a minimum, a large percentage of current influence should be lost when switching nations. The ranking system does involve collecting influence as part of the nation missions, so a fresh holding can be started on in the new nation. I'd suggest that a portion of influence would be held as a 'personal' following, arising from gratitude for investment in ports so keeping some of it would be equitable : I'd suggest maybe 25-33% should be retained. The loss of existing influence held under the original flag would also 'compensate' the nation who may have made large pay-outs to build and support that influence holding : an good example being Ziggfried's recent defection to Spain after receiving significant amounts of USA gold for that specific purpose. To show that is not a personal attack, I would also agree that myself and LT should have been equally penalised when we left Mexico for USA having also been supported by that nation with pay-outs for influence holdings.