TheLoveTiger wrote:I miss the old days of ZomB being the feared Merchant raiders, them running daily HN raids on players to collect cash. It seems that all these new techs have people focusing on making money through them rather than raids. Fleets are used for mostly cargo now and you don't see the large round of hitting a merch until he only has 25 fame and them being happy that they can't be touched anymore... Oh the good old days of fearing for your fleets, limited ways to make gold and even more limited ways to store money, storing it in banks and no longer running large purses and burying it... really pushed people to raid and have fun with each other, as annoying as it was to come on and see someone was able to sneak three HN's through and mess up your day, it was fun. Now everyone snaps instantly because they have so much invested in these techs, a HN raid messes them up for days. The game has changed for sure in the 4 years I have played, some good some bad, but it is starting to move into another era it seems away from Pirates and more into an economy based game, which isn't bad but far different from when I first started.
Okay enough of living in the past, more towards the future.
I don't spend much time in here, on these forums. I don't get into too much of the in-game diplomacy and wars and battles. Really, I'm just here to see what I can build. Frankly, this game isn't what I thought it would be but I've stuck with it because I've invested so much time in it thus far. Plus, a few other reasons.
I've been trying to build up to the point where I can defend myself from what you describe. And honestly, I have found it to be impossible. To me, what you describe is exactly why a newcomer wouldn't want to play this game. Why bother? Senior players will parasitically feed off you every time you start to get ahead. Why bother? You won't build up anything because they won't let you.
Tomorrow, my guild is going to disband and I need to find a new one. I'm currently debating whether or not I should because of how difficult it's been to build up my fleet to a strength that would allow me to protect myself at all. I'm constantly getting pummeled by people and there's nothing I can do about it. My voodoo doesn't work. My single battle fleet gets the snot kicked out of it every time it attacks anybody. After all this time, I'm asking myself if it's worth it.
So the question you need to ask yourself is this--how many people are actually sticking around with this game after a couple of months? Are they staying because they feel they have a chance or are they staying because of social reasons? And if they aren't, why not? Because the fine people who pour countless hours into this game to keep it running can do that all they want but if nobody's joining and playing, it won't mean much.