Role-Play The Grand Expedition

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Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Meliva » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:24 pm

Alright the new Roleplay is here. This one is going to be a 4 on the realism scale, So there will be sea monsters, and other mythological beasts, some magic is allowed, but nothing too grand for this roleplay.

1. Try to keep things in character. Don't post something unrelated to the RP here. If you don't like this RP, don't complain about it here. Post a new thread or start your own RP thread if you don't like this one. I would actually be quite happy if someone posts a RP of their own so please feel free to do so.
2. You can control your characters actions-You can not control others. NPC's are fair game and anyone can control them, so long as its believable and in character. A guard for example shouldn't just up and decide to shoot an orphan for no reason-that is out of character. Anyone without a name will be considered a NPC, if you name a character but want it to be a NPC then just mention that said character is NPC in quotation marks after a post.
3. You are allowed to have multiple characters- but be reasonable. Don't flood the story with a bunch of your characters. 2 or 3 in one story is fine, anything past that is sort of pushing it unless you are really good at managing them.
4. Use Italics for actions, and try to separate things nice and neat. Also use paragraphs when needed. Quotations if for speaking out of the roleplay.
5. No editing of a post once you post it. The exception is to fix spelling mistakes or minor errors. It can be real annoying when someone posts one thing and another responds to it only to find what they responded too is now completely different.
6-Do not act on knowledge you know but your character doesn't- If for example Character A is being attacked in the tavern, and your character is in the church, you can't have your character suddenly rush to the tavern to help unless you can give a reason WHY he knows what is happening or he is rushing to the tavern.
7. The most important rule- Have fun.

Next post begins the story
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Re: Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Meliva » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:25 pm

In the port of Kanoni, a large amount of supplies, people and ships are gathering. Rumors of various islands, beasts and sights farther west have been heard, so a large expedition is being formed to explore. Large rewards are being offered by various people for maps and rare items from these new lands. Some nations also aim to send ships to claim lands for themselves.

In the tavern by the dock, a giant of a man, and a small robed woman are both giving out supplies to explorers who seek to join the expedition, all are welcome to join, be they pirate or merchant, so long as they agree to work together and not fight. 2 young men both come forward and sign up, one named Brian the other Carl as they sit and wait for others to join.
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Re: Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Jack Teach » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:41 pm

A beautiful frigate of 38 guns sails into port. Jack Teach walk's into the tavern wearing scarlet clothes, carrying only a sword as a weapon. He approaches man and the woman and removes his black, scarlet feathered tricorne.

Admiral Jack Teach, commander of 38 gun frigate, Providence, carrying 230 sailors, two passengers and four clergy.
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Re: Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Meliva » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:45 pm

The young woman nods and writes some words down on a notebook.

Do you need any supplies before your ready to sail? The governor is providing basic supplies for free.

Brian and Carl call to Jack

Hey, good to see you. Feeling like exploring the unknown like us Jack?
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Re: Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Jack Teach » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:50 pm

Jack thinks for a minute.

Yes actually. I need some green-stuff, as in lemons, I need some more kegs of powder, and a couple bales of sailcloth.

Jack notices him

Aye mate, I am. I'm also transporting some missionaries, as it's kind of my duty an all, going to probably going to map this place if possible.
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Re: Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Meliva » Wed Jun 13, 2018 2:54 am

The young woman prods the big man and tells him to go get the supplies Jack asked for. Brian calls the young woman over.

Hey jack, this is Zephyra. She's Emily's cousin, she asked the 2 of us to go with her on this expedition. Apparently its potentially going to be pretty dangerous from what she told us.

Zephyra nods

Yeah, based on what both Emily, and my mother have told me, quite a few nasty things live where we are going-though they both were vague on what. I don't know why, but my family seem to love being vague about our warnings.
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Re: Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Jack Teach » Wed Jun 13, 2018 2:58 am

Jack nods

Please to meet you zephyra. So, who is in charge of the ships? The "admiral" so to speak.
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Re: Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Meliva » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:07 am

She points to a group of people in the corner. Vune is there chatting, wearing a very terrifying demonic looking mask as she chats with some rather important looking nobles.

Dunno. My mother is discussing it at the moment. Feel free to ask her. Hell, she might let you be admiral if she can't find anyone better. All im in charge of is distributing supplies to volunteers and standing here until we leave. No worries about my mother though, she isn't joining the trip, just here to make sure i don't run off.
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Re: Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Jack Teach » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:16 am

Jack shrugs

Thank you. I'll check.

Jack walks over to vune, unfazed by the mask and bows respectfully. He then says in tone that a student might use for a teacher.

Hello Vune, I would first off like to say how good of a lesson that charade with the clone was, very clever.

Jack leans to one side and then asks in an inquiring tone

Secondly, who will be commanding this fleet?
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Re: Role-Play The Grand Expedition

Postby Meliva » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:31 am

Vune shakes her head.

No, the clone was a mistake. I can admit to that, living as long as I have I made tons of mistakes, and I know I shall make tons more. Had I been less impatient and temperamental I could have come up with a far better way to teach a lesson then what I did. But what's done is done. You can lead the fleet if you want. I don't care who does it frankly, all that matters to me is my daughter goes with them. It should be a good learning experience for her, especially given what all is out there.

She takes off the mask and hands it to Jack, having a plain white mask underneath it.

Brought that mask for the admiral of this fleet, you don't need to wear it, but just have it on you, to let the other captains know your in charge. Don't worry about any magic from it-its just a mask. I don't hand out my magic masks after all. Just stay here for a while to see if any more captains wish to join. Oh, and if you find any interesting masks out there, or kill anything that might make a neat mask bring it to me for a good profit-im always looking for more masks for my collection.
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