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Transport immigrants rework

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:23 pm
by PFH
Transport immigrants
Turn cost: 5 turns
Desc: Target port A and port B. 1% of port A’s population is sent to port B. If Port A suffered from at least 15 Black Death casts in the past 12 hours, then .5% is sent to port B instead.

Re: Transport immigrants rework

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:38 pm
by DezNutz
-1 There is a gross difference between actually transporting immigrants via ship and using voodoo that basically creates citizens.

If anything, Transport Immigrants Voodoo should be renamed to something that fits its description better, such as Fertile Loins, Horny Housewifes, or on the more serious note: Burgeoning Parturiency (which by definition means Increased Birthing)

Re: Transport immigrants rework

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:39 pm
by PFH
I see what you mean. I agree with what you say

Re: Transport immigrants rework

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:57 pm
by Meliva
DezNutz wrote:-1 There is a gross difference between actually transporting immigrants via ship and using voodoo that basically creates citizens.

If anything, Transport Immigrants Voodoo should be renamed to something that fits its description better, such as Fertile Loins, Horny Housewifes, or on the more serious note: Burgeoning Parturiency (which by definition means Increased Birthing)

How about baby boom? Like back in the 50's. That way it's a bit more kid friendly, and also has a historical significance.

But side note I think the name is fine as is, but I wouldn't object to a change. We could just assume that the immigrants are from a foreign land, and not from another port.

Re: Transport immigrants rework

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:04 pm
by OG Deadking
Clockwork wrote:Transport immigrants
Turn cost: 5 turns
Desc: Target port A and port B. 1% of port A’s population is sent to port B. If Port A suffered from at least 15 Black Death casts in the past 12 hours, then .5% is sent to port B instead.

keep coming with those ideas and you could be the next grimlock ;) :y :D