Turns required- 3
Cannot be Stacked
Special effect: none
Card target: Pirates,Merchants, Privateers, and Questers
Card Rarity: semi common ( common or uncommon)
Ratio : 4:5. this means that if 100 people bought a voodoo pack, 80 of them would get this
Cool down: 5 days. Overusing the card is not permitted, i.e you can use this card, once in 5 days.
One use card.
If you have less than the required money, it will take 5000 fame and another uncommon voodoo cards, same goes with target player. If they donor meet the required amount, then a random ship( other than brings and higher lv will sink) sadly, i have no option option at this moment
Descrption : As the name suggests, it is a very risky voodoo. There's 70% chance to you might gain 2x gold coins, and 3 turns also a 30% chance to lose the amount of gold coins you gave and more 3 turns