Mugiwara wrote:this suggestion will make even harder to damage bigger nations. just remove undercover ability from the game and problem solved. or remove undercover and make current undercover cards effect 5X more powerful.
port related cards are not undercover! but at the moment there is no-one receiving the notice
with expensive voodoo to gain insight who cast voodoo on a port, it will only be done when anomalies are noticed.
Mugiwara wrote:about hostile takeover. maybe someone will keep hitting a specific port for a long time to make his target weak and force them to spend their voodoos. and when the time comes he will try to take port. with that suggestion take it once or get ..... demolished.
port owner ship is based on influence. only three cards influences that (if i am not mistaken) one is targeted on a player and anonymous, the second is open on player and only one targets the port.
the other cards on the port deal with population and by that of port income. important but not something to worry that you haven't enough defense cards when the hostile takeover happens.
so,in regard to port take over, it is really about 1 card; propaganda! not the average card to sneak up with.
BD's lower the population of a port and make it thus less valuable. it denies income to the port keepers.