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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:21 pm
by Maha
this card will sent an event message to the target stating:
"we have the means to hold your voodoo chest hostage. you have 12 hours* to comply to our demands!

in 12 hours time you will: (the caster will choose one of the following options)
    1 become a pirate
    2 send 50 credits to ....
    3 have in 12 hours time a single Sol sailing from ... to ... carrying 4 wood, 7 iron, 12 cotton, 20 tools, 8 cigars, 3 food 5 rum and 9 goldbars (all numbers will be randomly generated)
    4 win 30 battles from ....
    5 steal {shipname, ship ID# }** from .....

*the clock started ticking when you start reading this message"

** when this ship no longer can be stolen (sold to auction, shipwright or hidden in marina) then the target is released from the blackmail and his voodoo chest is safe.

    advanced piracy 10
    disfavor 10
    Conspiracy 5
    forced labor 10
    terrorize 10
    ambush 5
    Antagonize 5
    crystal Ball X
    Thieving magpie Y
    goldbars 100+X+Y
    Turns 100+X+Y

time to brew this card: 2 days
the duration of the hostage taking (the target was unable/unwilling to pay the ransom) is 12+(X+5Y)/6 hours

This card has an activation trigger to give all players a fair chance to comply.
I chose a set of voodoo cards that are somewhat connected to blackmailing, the card selection and amounts are not too important for the moment, more important is the value it should represent. what should such a card cost. I just put a brewing time in, real guesswork, imo this will be settled when the final set of cards is decided on.

i chose the voodoo chest as object to take hostage because it is of more value to experienced players, imo the longer you play the more you rely on voodoo.

Re: blackmail(legendary)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:26 pm
by Grimrock Litless

Too op.

Option 5, so what happens if say target ship is stored in a marina after the cast?

Re: blackmail(legendary)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:32 pm
by Mugiwara
its a different idea. can be good. I have a few questions

what will happen if victim doesnt fulfill his/her duty?
And what will happen if he/her accept to sail sotl during that period of time and ship stolen in the middle of duty?
And also the blackmailer should give the ship id to him/her. And cant be in marina.
During that time victim cant use any voodoo right?

According to your answers i would like to add more opinion in it.

Re: blackmail(legendary)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:47 pm
by Maha
the voodoo hostage is not yet into effect, that will happen after failure to comply.

option three, the targeted player is free to chose which of his SOL's to use
option 5, the caster has to provide the ship ID# and that ship must be 'stealable' at the time of casting. (see also addition to the original suggestion)

Re: blackmail(legendary)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:56 pm
by Mugiwara
Maha wrote:the voodoo hostage is not yet into effect, that will happen after failure to comply.

option three, the targeted player is free to chose which of his SOL's to use
option 5, the caster has to provide the ship ID# and that ship must be 'stealable' at the time of casting. (see also addition to the original suggestion)

i mean he sailed with single sotl to fulfill his duty . During single travel ship get stolen or sinked.

And during hostage still you can use your voodoos without worries. lets say he failed, what is the consequences?

in 12 hours time you will: (the caster will choose one of the following options)

this must change. Basically use this voodoo on current port owner kings and players(lets say council members) and choose become pirate option done. with enough player support you can take their nation's and treasury.

Re: blackmail(legendary)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:57 pm
by Sebena
This idea is equal quality like some grimmrock suggestions...

Re: blackmail(legendary)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:12 pm
by Grimrock Litless
Wolfie wrote:This idea is equal quality like some grimmrock suggestions...

What does that mean?

Re: blackmail(legendary)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:45 pm
by Maha
Wolfie wrote:This idea is equal quality like some grimmrock suggestions...

are you referring to
Maha wrote:I chose the voodoo chest as object to take hostage because it is of more value to experienced players, imo the longer you play the more you rely on voodoo.

this card can be cast upon any player, however the decision to ignore the threat is easier for those who don't rely on it too much. in this it favors the less developed players. Yet, this will be an expensive card with little profit to the caster. ( the 50 credits should not outweigh the brewing cost too much, when this is sold on the auction the 50 credits option will not exceed the purchase cost imo.) those who are able to brew them know who is worthy of their blackmail. an annoying newbee who keeps on casting voodoo will be stopped.

i am all for equal quality, players with the same means should be able to pursue the same goals :gc: : :beer
identifying that certain groups will be less excited about their voodoo chest held hostage is not promoting affirmative action

Re: blackmail(legendary)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:53 pm
by Mugiwara
Lets put it in example:
You used that voodoo on me and you asked me to become pirate to fulfill mission. with that card i can lose my duke position in spain. also apply same voodoo on spain king and other dukes too.(with a team you can do that) and choose become pirate for all of them.

lets say you planned this and put a few more in to spain for votes. you already have haron and Violetshadow in spain in your guild. after they all become pirates you can empty the treasury with votes power and without their influence all ports will be gone.

Blackmailing idea nice but the most overpower card suggestion ever with current abilities.

Re: blackmail(legendary)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:57 pm
by Maha
a king who cannot rank up quickly enough to veto the vote has no right to complain i think.