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new card : 'Workers Paradise'

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:11 am
by Most Lee Harmless
name : 'Workers Paradise'

target : player

cost : 10 turns

stacking : 3

duration : 24hrs

description : The highly respected motivational speaker Stakno Vite addresses the targets workforce : enthused by his noble sentiments, the workforce voluntarily undertakes unpaid overtime thus boosting production by 5% for each cast.

notes : this card is intended to compliment the proposed 'Agitation' card. currently, gold production will be affected by both, but the introduction of other resource buildings will also benefit.

Re: new card : 'Workers Paradise'

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:04 pm
by Kart
Reduce the stacking to 2 and I am on board with this providing the complimenting card has adjustment so the caster must know the port and not just cast on a player.

Over all +1 with some tweaking.

Re: new card : 'Workers Paradise'

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:30 am
by Captain dungeness
Can this card be cast on another player's hideout? Do you need to choose the right port if you are casting it on your friend's hideout? How do you keep your guildmates from seeing which port your friend cast it on? If the port shows up on the voodoo screen then everyone knows... maybe it's better if it is self-only and not needing a port target.