Captain doh wrote:how many tidal waves produce a sol or large frigate
this card give a random probability of one
They do... I've got SotL's several times, frigates even more often: others have too : rare, yes, mostly its trade ships get washed up, but there is no reason that prime war-ships should be easily come by : it could be argued there are too many in the game already : 90% of them never fire their cannons from one months end to the next.
Fact is, you don't need heaps of prime war-ships to have fun : you certainly don't need them to plunder or capture trade fleets: a BoW or 2 does that job perfectly adequately : using voodoo wisely, and with a touch of luck in finding your target, a BoW can capture a SotL for you as well.
Yes, its nice to have a bunch of mean war-ships that can kick butt across the oceans .. but its not that necessary for having fun, building a strong account and gaining a solid reputation as a worthy adversary.