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cheap labor

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:49 pm
by Painmaster
Name: Cheap labor
cost:15 turns
Target: Target player
Effect:the next ship built by target player will cost 25% less turns, but will cost 10% more gold and not start with any attribute points.

Re: cheap labor

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:19 am
by Roileon
I like it but it should start with attributes. And I think it should cost 15% more gold.

Re: cheap labor

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:50 am
by Most Lee Harmless
Not sure if this is meant as a 'friendly' or 'unfriendly' card... if 'unfriendly', its weak as you can cancel it out by building a howker then scrapping it immediately at minimal cost, far cheaper overall than the casting cost : if 'friendly', as in cast on yourself to save turns, its foolish as why waste 6 atts from the get go?

Re: cheap labor

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:59 am
by Navigator
Must Va have to pay less taxes And own corporate land.

change the name. I suggest - something like "Sweet shahhhP"

I do like the ethics of this Pirates card.

Re: cheap labor

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:34 am
by Painmaster
If I'm going to have it start with attributes, then it should probably cost more than 15% more... how about 20% more gold?

Re: cheap labor

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:39 am
by Navigator
Even? Turns to gold.

Re: cheap labor

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:11 am
by Roileon
i mean you did say it was cheap labor. I think it should start with attributes, cost 15% more gold, 25% less turns, 15 turns to cast. Unless you want it to be rare. I'm also assuming this is a friendly card.

Re: cheap labor

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:35 pm
by Grapefruit
Cheap labour should cost less gold, fast labour should cost less turns

Re: cheap labor

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:14 pm
by Slindur
+1 I like it.

Re: cheap labor

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:27 am
by Painmaster
Consider it to be more like a rush job. It takes less time, but it costs more, and the workmanship that might normally go into another ship would not be there. Hence the lack of attribute points.