by Most Lee Harmless » Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:26 pm
And if I buy every call leviathan in the game I can sink every ship in it... or every magpie I can steal every card... or every booty master, I can steal all the gold... your objection is nonsensical, there simply are not enough of any of those cards to do that and if this card ever got introduced (which I doubt as none of these proposed cards ever seem to be) it would be rare as hens teeth and I doubt you would ever see more than one or two cast at any one time : think it through... I'm going to use a rare card, at high turn steal and cast a hostile native? or a purify? Hey, I'm Mr Big Spender, remember, buying my way to pirate king.. I haven't got any of those myself that I can cast for much fewer turns? Oh, I want to steal all your cards? Why would I bother with it, Magpie does that far cheaper again.
Really, your objections are just silly scare-mongering ; no-body does what they like in this game, we can all be hurt, we can all be plundered, no-one is immune : give me 10000 call leviathans and I still cant use them even if I plan to sink every ship I see... I'd need 180000 turns for starters... Oh, I can buy them with my super-platinum, diamond-encrusted Amex card... 400 a day.. why, I can kill you all in less than two years! Muhahahahaha.... just dont build any more ships meantime...
And read the thread : the OP does not say you take the card from the target ; that was Grant adding his interpretation of it, which the OP did not confirm, or even comment on.
-1 : Move to archive.