Legendary Voodoo Tsunami

Do you have an idea for a card ? Do you want a tweak on existing voodoo cards? Perhaps you even want one of them removed? This is where you can post your suggestion.

Legendary Voodoo Tsunami

Postby Meliva » Thu May 12, 2016 4:05 pm

I notice that there are a BUNCH of shipwrecks, more so then ships sailing, and while tidal wave can take one ship from being shipwrecked it really doesn't help much. so I thought of a improved version.

Type- instant Global
Use- 5 shipwrecked ships become yours,

3 tidal waves
10 Bless
Time Cost-36 hours

id like this to be a thing because honestly I find it sad that there are more ships at the bottom of the ocean then sailing it.
let me know what you think.
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Re: Legendary Voodoo Tsunami

Postby Ser Georges » Thu May 12, 2016 5:09 pm

Nice idea and it* would give more use to bless +1
My laziness is exactly as the number 8.
If it lies down, it becomes infinite.
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