Ahoy there!
We need your HELP.
There are a ton of voodoo card ideas that need to be filtered. These are distributed in multiple threads (Suggestions, Voodoo Curses Cards, General Discussion and Suggest a new Curse)
In particular:
-We need to disapprove every idea that seems unrealistic, with current game status in mind. (Move them to Disapproved Cards thread too).
-We need to merge every topic that seems relevant with another.
-We need to prioritize and approve worthy ideas (move them to Approved into Suggestions too).
-We need to send to Archives every idea that is currently out of date.
To do this, we will use a new development model this time, which gives initiative to the players. A team of players in fact.
Here is the plan:
-A team of 3 to 5 players . These 3-5 players will be selected by myself, after I receive your application (in-game please, to #1). Send your applications till Saturday night. I will decide in Sunday.
-Three members of the team will receive a global moderator status in the forums so they will be able to do the dirty work.
-Every member of the team has 1 vote. They will coordinate with each other in public, in every topic. Every disapproval/approval will need at least 2 (3 if the players are 5) votes to proceed. The rest of the players will be able to interfere, trying to push them to the right direction (right as in their own accord).
-Topic merges will require no voting.
-At first, this team will ONLY do this in Voodoo curses ideas. If we are happy of the results, we might expand the team and use it with the rest of the topics.
We promise that we will try to respect every decision of the team. If we object with a decision, we will make sure that this will be for a very good reason.
That's all. If you are interested to participate, you know where to find me.