Battle Explanation and Formulas

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Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:52 pm

A battle is consisted of combats between ships.

*Every Ships combats another in the order listed at their fleet.
*The first ship of the attacking fleet, attacks the first ship of the defending fleet.
*The combat is conducted in Rounds.

Before the combat between the 2 ships begins, it is decided which ship will fire first.

The faster ship fires first. To calculate this, we use the following:

Initiative = 1d20 + Cotton Sails + Ship Speed

Ship Speed is calculated as following:

Base Ship Speed = Base Ship Speed + ( Base Ship Speed * 3 * Cotton Sails / 100 )
Ship speed = Base Ship Speed * ((Current Crew / Max Crew) + 1) / 2
Final Ship Speed = Ship Speed + (Ship Speed * Double Hammocks / 100)

Reference Topic: Ship Speed

Favorable Winds and Control the Skies are not taken in account during battles.

If 2 ships end up with same initiative value, then the ship with highest Cotton Sails attribute fires first. If this is still the same, then it is decided on luck (one of the 2 ships, gets Favorable Wind)

Before Round starts, we calculate HP of ships in the following way:

HP calculation

Base HP = Hull Points + Sail Points
Spanish Galleons Bonus applies here at Hull Points
Final HP = HP + Ship Level * Ship Cannons/2

Now, we know which ship will fire first and their Hit Points. A round now begins.


Round Starts
Attacker fires Total Ship Guns/2 times.
At each cannon fire:
-Attack Roll (1d20)
If the die rolls 1, the gun fire fails.
If the die rolls 20, the gun fire succeeds.
If the die rolls anything else, then we calculate the attack roll versus armor class.

Base Attack Roll = 1d20 + Bronze Cannon + ( Double Hammocks * Crew Bonus )
Bless bonus is applied at Base Attack Roll

Crew Bonus is calculated in this way:

Crew Bonus

Linear Based on crew on board

Crew Number => Bonus
250+ => 1
200 => 0.9
150 => 0.8
125 => 0.7
100 => 0.6
75 => 0.5
60 => 0.4
50 => 0.3
40 => 0.25
39- => 0.2

Base Armor Class = 1d20 + Copper Plating + (Speed Bonus * Cotton Sails )
Drums of War is applied at Base Armor Class

Speed Bonus is calculated in this way:

Ship Speed => Bonus
50 => 1
40+ => 0.8 + (speed - 40)/100;
30+ => 0.6 + (speed - 30)/100;
20+ => 0.4 + (speed - 20)/100;
10+ => 0.2 + (speed - 10)/100;

If Attack Roll is greater or equal to Armor class, then the gun fire lands on ship.
If Attack Roll is less than the Armor Class, the gun fire fails.

If the Gun Fire landed, we calculate Damage to the ship as follows:
Ship Hardness = 1 (same for all ships right now)
Dice = 3 + Ship Level;
Base Damage = 1dDice - Ship Hardness

So, for example, if the ship is level 10, then the following will roll:
Base Damage = 1d13 - 1

Then we have extra damage based on Round Shot:
Base Round Shot Damage = Round Shot (if Round shot is 5, then this is 5)
This gets a bonus from Gunpowder Technology

Extra Damage = Base Damage * Round Shot Damage * 2 / 100

Then we have absorb damage, based on Iron Scantling:
Base Absorb Damage = Iron Scantling
This gets a bonus from Metallurgy Technology

Absorb Damage = Base Damage * Absorb Damage * 2 /100

Final Applied Damage to the ship is calculated as following:
Applied Damage = Base Damage + Extra Damage - Absorb Damage

If this is less than 0,then no damage is applied.

Post Round
*Once a round ends, then we check if any of the 2 ships has reached 0. In this case, the combat ends.
*If not, a new round between the 2 ships starts.
*If 20 Rounds are fought and ships are both afloat, then the combat is a tie and both ships are removed from the battle.

Combat Win
*Once a ship is sunk, the other ship wins and continues with the next ship in the loser's fleet, in their appearing order.
*The ship that continues, may have a few Hit Points difference from the state he finished the previous combat, due to rounding.

Battle Win
*Once either side has no other ships afloat, the side with at least one ship afloat wins.
*The side who won the battle, has damage applied to the winning ship, equal to the state it won the last battle.

Battle Tie
*If no side has ships afloat or ships to fight (removed from combat due to tie) then the battle ends in a tie.

Battle Loss
*The side which lost the battle risks losing a level to the ship which lost the final combat, based on ships number Plunder Rule (only during Plunders).

(*NOTE TO FORUM MODS: The post above needs beautification, bold,italics,list,underline,paragraphs,etc. Feel free to edit it and perform such a task, even partially - if not fully*)
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Re: Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby Admiral Nelson » Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:28 am

Now that this has been released. I will try to make a in depth calculator.

If anyone wants to assist me by sending me the formulas/what they have come up with, feel free to do so.

- Nelson. :)
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Re: Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby Shadowood » Sat Dec 01, 2018 4:23 pm

Waited 3 years to see this... now that i have, I wish I hadn’t.

:D :D :D

Thanks CJ!
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Re: Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby The Accountant » Sat Dec 29, 2018 7:18 pm

its simple shadow. this should help
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Re: Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby Psychodad » Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:28 pm

I still don't know what or how to calculate "base ship speed" :(
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Re: Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby DezNutz » Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:49 pm

Psychodad wrote:I still don't know what or how to calculate "base ship speed" :(

You have to work it out in reverse. The Base Ship Speed is a set number. The only ship that CJ gave was a howker which is 21.


I intended to add some of these details to the wiki, which I have been neglecting a little bit. So I will probably focus on getting more data added. Still a lot to do.
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Re: Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby Shadowood » Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:20 pm

CJ has released all ships base speed
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Re: Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby Shadowood » Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:22 pm

Just hover over the "i" on any ship screen.

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Re: Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby Shadowood » Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:25 pm

In my day we had to build complex spreadsheet... and walk up hill in the snow to school that was 2 miles away!. ... sp=sharing

(ok not to complex but give this sheet a look over)
(ps, I s**k at spreadsheets)
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Re: Battle Explanation and Formulas

Postby DezNutz » Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:34 pm

Shadowood wrote:CJ has released all ships base speed

Didn't know that. I calculated it out a while back.
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