How to build a new ship

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How to build a new ship

Postby Captain Jack » Tue May 24, 2011 8:41 am

A)First, lets get a captain
1.Click on Headquarters at the left hand menu
2.Click on Officers at the right hand menu
3.Hire a captain

B)Now lets go what ship to build
1.Click on Market at left hand menu
2.Click on Shipwright at right hand menu

Now you should be seeing a list of all available fleets. Lets suppose we want to build a Howker to use in building up our merchant empire. Click construct to get a prettier overview of what we will need.

This is what we should be looking at now:

As we can see, it needs some resources to build that we need to collect on our port. These resources are produced from ports and each port produces one resource.

Here comes a guide in how to approach the gather resources challenge:
I planned ahead so I already got some warehouse in most ports, therefore by clicking on Market (left hand menu) and then on Active ports (right hand menu) I can see where I will find the resources. I am currently at Baramas and I will schedule the route before hand by studying the map.

So the plan is that I will take my legendarysloop with the its mighty cargo of 30(hey, I am a pirate, not a merchant - yet!) and set sail! Before leaving the port of Baramas, I will first load 30 barrels of Rum (I got a merchant mind too =), then I will head for Tortuga. There I will sell all the rum (here comes the profit mate - nothing goes to waste when you plan well) and I will buy 30 Tools. I will then head for Tzogos where I will sell 20 pieces of Tools (I will keep 10, they should be enough for 3 howkers!) and buy 20 pieces of Iron (If only I had more cargo...). Then I will set sail for Aiora. In Aiora I will create a warehouse and store there the iron and tools. Aiora produces wood, therefore I will buy some wood (80 for a start) and store it in the warehouse. Now I only need some cotton. Again by checking my Active Ports page, I can see that the nearest cotton port is Seaglory. I will load 30 Wood (Profit chance!) and head for there. I will sell my wood in the Port of Seaglory (I will spend this profit to the tavern buying everyone a drink) and I will load in cotton (wait, I got to pay for the cotton - no drinks for anyone! scurvy pirates...). I will get all the cotton back to Aiora where I will store it to the warehouse. I now have all the resources needed for a howker!

As game progresses, you can use trade routes to automatically load resources to your main warehouse.

Once you got the resources, go to STEP B, and click construct. Enjoy your first ship from the shipwright!
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