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Bank accounts

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:24 pm
by William Pitt

On the bank pages I've a few problems listed below,are they bugs or just my brain cells tricking me.
Your account balance


When I try to withdraw:

 The Bank Balance is not enough to cover up your withdrawal. Contact the Banker to resolve the issue.

My account was not frozen. I didn't take out a loan either. Just had some gold and deposited.
At another bank

I am allowed to deposit my gold. However, if I try to withdraw this pops up.
 Your account is frozen! Contact the Bank Owner to get your account unfrozen.
As long as the account is frozen, you may not withdraw any gold coins.

Why am I allowed to deposit funds if the account is frozen?
AmI missing something here?Help!?!?!!?!?

Re: Bank Misunderstanding/Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:27 pm
by Grimrock Litless
The first one is because the bank itself have no money in it.

The next one, really, I have no idea.
But I think when a account is frozen, you can't withdraw money but can deposite.

Re: Bank Misunderstanding/Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:31 pm
by William Pitt
So if the banker removes a percentage of my gold from my account(without my knowledge) it wouldn't be frozen and instead that message would pop up?

Re: Bank Misunderstanding/Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:32 pm
by PhoenixKnight
come to Phoenix Financial. We never close and your account will never be frozen ;)

Re: Bank Misunderstanding/Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:35 pm
by Grimrock Litless
You see, the banker can put money into the bank, and also other people when they put it in, its not in another vault of gold, its put into the total but it has its own account of the amount of money you put in your name, so if the vault have no gold, so do your account.

So you must put yo money into banks that wouldn't hijack you, or you can just bury it.

Re: Bank Misunderstanding/Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:35 pm
by William Pitt
Yeah....Phoenix. What if all the banks are removing player gold so they can move their gold and max out the top 5 banks....who will then after having 50+ maxed out accounts remove all the gold and share it with themselves.

Re: Bank Misunderstanding/Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:36 pm
by William Pitt
Guluere wrote:You see, the banker can put money into the bank, and also other people when they put it in, its not in another vault of gold, its put into the total but it has its own account of the amount of money you put in your name, so if the vault have no gold, so do your account.


Guluere said some stuff that made sense!!!!!! May the Gods of the Sea be merciful unto you forever mate.

Re: Bank Misunderstanding/Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:56 pm
by PhoenixKnight
Gulere is right, which is why I always check how much everyone has before I make a withdrawal. Trying to avoid grand theft and hurting clients you see.

Re: Bank Misunderstanding/Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:59 pm
by William one eye
Banks work like real banks, so the money you put in can be used by the owner of the bank, for any purpose.

so if the banker has invested the money elsewhere any you try to remove the fund they will not be there.
this is not based on individual accounts, if the money is not there that means the whole bank is empty.

I would personally prefer to keep a reserve in my bank equal or greater than the amount in stored by account holders.
so if there was a run on the bank everyone would be able to get their funds out.

Your suggestion that someone could take the money and transfer it to another bank Is possible but I think the bank would develop a bad reputation real quick.

Banks can also be closed - I accidentally closed my bank once and did not realize I had done it, until someone complained.

Hope that helps
Guluere covered a lot of it.

Re: Bank Misunderstanding/Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:15 pm
by Lockreed
Voodoo Vaults also has plenty of capital to cover the withdraw of all depositors. You are welcome to use it.

Which is the insolvent bank, I now wonder...