When exactly do the News Events vanish/get deleted or out of sight of the player?
I assume it is at the end of the week ( Sunday ) as yesterday I had 17 pages of news events; To only have five today.
Danik wrote:The devs have a special sub-routine directly wired into a specially-trained amnesiac goldfish called 'Nessy' : Nessy swims around its bowl and when it forgets who it is, again, events are randomly removed from players logs. It seems this process is aided by stressing the fish with hourly doses of popular music by such as Justin Bieber or Beyonce : cruel, yes, but necessary to keep the game alive so we salute you Nessy!
Knight Orlong wrote:When the time is right, in the night,
Shayol Ghul will call the Pattern from the Blight.
The great notifications of the events sublime
Vanish as a straightforward function of time.
Shadowood wrote:This is a good question as I would like to save some news items. Maybe if there was a way to create a player only space (forum) that we could save items that were for our eyes only?