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Capturing last ship of a player

PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:59 pm
by TheLoveTiger
Alright so the other night I was working on taking ship #8

The user had 1k gold that I first took. Then I kept hitting the user expecting to get this ship. After the ship did not get capped, I messaged the Admin asking the following:
(Original Message from me) On the last battle with player #8, I took the remaining gold he had (1010) which zeroed him. The next time he pops up he had zero gold so I tried to cap the ship and I gain zero gold and 32 fame. Why didn't I cap the ship?

Admin Responds a bit later....
Admin Response: If it is the last one, you cannot capture it.

After some more trouble shooting and trying from me which I was able to capture it, I had a response from the Admin that said what I just did, was impossible.

1) According to the Admin if it is the last one and I can't cap it.... How come it took 4 hits but I was able to cap it then? Coming straight from the admin it is not possible.
2) No where on the rules does it say under the 1 ship section. If it is their last ship, it stays in their possession or can't be capped. It says
"2.If the cargo value is less than the ransom:
*If the loser has more than 1 ship, then the last-positioned ship of his fleet is won by the winner.
*If he has 1 ship, he loses the remaining treasury at hand and the cargo of his ship (if any)."

3) I believe the rules may need updating as they seem to be a hiccup some where. Either fix the sub section of the rules or look further in
4) Does this qualify as a glitch because the Admin says it is a no-go and it happened. This has also happen with other players, who in the past few weeks have had ships taken, I personally have capped their last ship.
5) Why did it take numerous hits at zero to get their ship?

Re: Possible Glitch- Not Fully Answered

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:31 am
by TheLoveTiger
#4 ... e9ccf386ce

#3 ... faf88e1951

#2 ... 09ee94c89f

#1 ... 616212d5f6

October 08, 2013
1.2.64: -Added a few missing medium country flags.
1.2.63: -Removed protection to last player's ship.

Players now may lose their last ship in battle.

Important notes:
-Protection is still active for players who have spent 2000 turns or less (newcomers)
-Remember that if a player loses all his ships, he may still get a new one at the shipwright:
Changelog Version 0.5.3: A player with no ships, will ALWAYS get a SPECIAL OFFER in the Shipwright for a new ship (A brand new cutter for 1000 Gold).

Re: Possible Glitch- Not Fully Answered

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:42 am
by Barthlomew roberts
Nice LT.

Now who is answering?

Re: Capturing last ship of a player

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:28 pm
by Captain Jack
Code: Select all
Protection is still active for players who have spent 2000 turns or less (newcomers)

This was the reason. The real glitch is that you were allowed to capture the ship as the player had less than 2000 turns.

Still, it does not make sense that an inactive player (who has the newcomer protection of less than 2000 turns used) should enjoy such protection.

Therefore we updated the engine as it follows:
Code: Select all
December 19, 2015
1.5.96: Updated Plunder page Help file
1.5.95: Players inactive for more than 60 days, lose newcomer protection (can be attacked) as long as they are inactive.
1.5.94: Players inactive for more than 60 days, lose last ship protection (can be looted) as long as they are inactive.