Question: Thieving Magpie

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Re: Question: Thieving Magpie

Postby Haron » Wed May 11, 2016 8:02 pm

Dejandra: No, I didn't take your post as an attempt at diverting the discussion to how it should work. I took it as an attempt to clarify why you thought the card worked the way you thought it worked :-)

Also, I COULD send a message to Captain Jack, of course, but I suspected I might not be the only one who was unsure about this card, and thus his reply in this thread is much better than a reply to only me. I've never been a fan of getting advantages by knowing more details about the rules than others.
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Re: Question: Thieving Magpie

Postby Captain Jack » Thu May 12, 2016 8:56 am

Always better for everyone to create topics in the Help forums. I am telling this to anyone sending me a personal message. This way, everyone can benefit from the answers.

Regarding any PvP element, our policy is to explain anything needed.
When the feature is a PvE one though (ie, Treasure Hunt, Daugters Romance, NPC battles, etc) then we will only rarely reveal anything.
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