Memberlist - Last Active

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Re: Memberlist - Last Active

Postby Horatio Nelson » Thu May 24, 2012 9:35 am

Hawk wrote:
Horatio Nelson wrote:I would like to see ALL inactive members removed from the system after 25 days.

I stopped playing this game a few weeks after I started.. I probably wouldn't have started playing again if my account had been deleted

I still believe that accounts should be deleted after a fixed period. If you are intending to leave your PC for a reasonable period then you let admin know. But having all these inactive members is ridiculous.

Megafuzz probably came close to an alternative. That is, every 10 days of inactivity sees an automatic significant increase in one's danger rating. And I mean significant so they can be subject to multiple attacks. If the inactivity totals 30 days then bye bye.
Horatio Nelson
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:39 am

Re: Memberlist - Last Active

Postby Captain Jack » Fri May 25, 2012 9:23 am

Stay on topic please.

Posting a suggestion about inactives and even discussing this suggestion in a help topic about guild memberlist, is considered off topic.

I would be happy to post the dev teams opinion on your suggestion but not here. Instead feel free to create a new topic with your specific suggestion in Suggestions thread (or discussion if you are unsure of how exactly this should be)
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