TRUMP 2020!

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Stan Rogers » Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:36 am

Meliva wrote:I mean, AOC literally wrote on twitter about making a list of trump supporters. That's who I was referring to when I said some leftists. Now obviously she's rather extreme and not an accurate representation of every left leaning person, but I don't like the idea of anyone putting anyone's names on a list to mark them for who they supported in the past. Pretty sure the right has done similar things in the past, and I don't approve of it.

Ultimately all of us are being bombarded with propaganda, from both sides. Some of it true, some false, and some half truths and all other sorts of dubious ways of trying to manipulate folks.

Feel free to try to convince me. I try to keep an open mind, and if presented with clear evidence, I will probably believe you. Again, I openly admit, I may very well be wrong about many of my beliefs. However until I see evidence that proves me wrong, I will hold onto certain beliefs.

I do agree that the media like to hype things up. I still remember how many were talking about WW3 coming soon. I was doubtful of that claim, and I was right to be. Still isn't here after all. Granted 2020 has been so awful that even without WW3 it's been one of the worst years in human history.

I'm going to go out on a limb and state AOC does not have your name in a little black book and sooner or later she is coming for you in some nefarious way,
This again is an example of something being hyped into a weaponized form of psych warfare. I will also say freely and openly that I do not have a twitter account and cannot see the claim for myself.
I can believe there are a number of people who have skirted the grey area's of the law and some have strayed into the black and been prosecuted all be it not like the average person would be treated. Those may be worth looking at with a little more scrutiny to ensure your laws were not violated.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:41 am

I am not concerned about myself, nor do I think she or anyone knows or cares about my political stance enough to do anything about it. however I still do not like how she is wanting to put anyone's names down onto a list so that they can be known as trump supporters. I imagine she's mostly referring to those who are more widely known and not just your average person who supported him. I also imagine rather then do physical harm, she would more likely try to "cancel" them. Doesn't mean that it's right. Nor does it mean we shouldn't be at all worried when someone suggests that folks who are X, or people who support Y should be put down on a list. Is it a credible threat if they do? Probably not. Should we just ignore anyone who does it though? I wouldn't.

Give me a minute and I could show you a video that shows her tweets.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:47 am

at the 41 second mark it shows her tweet. Now I know Fox is biased, but that tweet is straight from AOC herself. She's openly asking if anyone is keeping a list of trump supporters in case they try to deny it in the future. Now, I would like to give benefit of the doubt to her, but why would anyone need to know who did or did not support trump in the future unless they were planning something against them? Now whether that be physical harm, or simply refusing to hire them, that's debatable. But folks shouldn't have to worry about their future well- being whether it be their health, job, or reputation over who they supported in an election or 2.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:10 am

i feel like i should be curled up in fetal position waiting for biden to become president for 6 months only to have Harris to use the 25th on him because he is unfit and she can become the first woman president.

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Sat Nov 07, 2020 2:32 pm

Draque I know that sounds like a bummer but...

Would you rather have Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as president? There's nothing we can do to fix Joe's age or health conditions. Part of the reason I was weary of Bernie running in 2020 was his age. I like his policies, but come on? 80? No way. Plus Warren has most of the same values and beliefs as Bernie and is 10 years younger. But my point is it made me kind of upset when people were saying Biden shouldn't be elected because he is "frail". That's not why we elect or don't elect people. There could be an absolutely jacked 40-year old running for president whose ideas were psychotic, but would you vote for them just because the other one was 78 and has a speech impediment?
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Sat Nov 07, 2020 2:39 pm

Why vote in a president who is unlikely to actually SERVE the full 4 years? You could have the most gifted, intelligent and amazing person running, but if he had a combination of cancer, diabetes, covid, and several other serious health issues, and most doctors said it would be a miracle if he lived for another week let alone 4 years, I would not want to elect that person. Nor would I want to elect someone who's mental health is in decline, and is NOT just suffering a "speech impediment". Don't try to act like Biden isn't mentally declining. The fact the democrats nominated him is just sad. Didn't help that half the folks running dropped out and put their support on him.

Regardless, it's frankly a bad idea to elect someone if it's unlikely they will actually serve a full term. Then the person running the country instead of being someone who was voted in, is someone the president picked. Sure, between Biden and Harris, I suppose I'd rather have Harris running things, since while I might not like her, at least she isn't suffering from dementia. I'd much rather though that neither get into the white house. Both have done a lot of harm in their careers. Especially to the folks they claim to support.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:51 pm

Well, it looks like Biden has been declared the winner. Of course Trump is saying that HE won, but that is just a desperate attempt to fulfill his dream of becoming a dictator.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:05 pm

Yeah, until an investigation shows that no fraud happened, I won't be accepting Biden as president.

Also, Just like your claims about trump being a racist, if his dream was to be a dictator then he's done a poor job at it. Notice how he never used his authority to do something like, oh I don't know, send in the military to crush CHAZ and kill every person in that area when they took over part of Seattle? Or how the media is able to constantly bash him? Seems like a wannabe dictator would, oh I don't know, use their power and influence to forcibly shut them up and silence critics?

It's funny how you so blindly accuse Trump of things that have little to not truth to them, yet will ignore Biden's dementia as a speech impediment. I swear, Biden could be eating a literal baby while having his way with a nun in front of you, and instead of acknowledging that, you would point out "trump was accused of jaywalking, what a scoundrel!"
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:47 pm

I'm fine with an investigation into election fraud if it means clearing Biden's name. But just as with Trump, the investigation should not prevent him from becoming president. However if they find fraudulent activity then I would be fine with Biden being removed. But as far as the FBI and election officials can tell, there currently isn't any evidence to support widespread voter fraud, nonetheless against Trump.

I seriously doubt Trump believes most of the stuff he is saying about election fraud and a stolen election. He is just trying to make gullible people like you furious about a nonexistent issue in hopes that it will let him keep the presidency.

As for the dictator thing, Trump said at one of his rallies that he should sign an executive order to stop Biden from becoming president. He was also preemptively discussing modifying the rules to grant him a third, fourth and fifth presidential term. If neither of those fit within the dictator category then really nothing does. He has also said several times that if Biden wins it is because of election fraud. Election officials and experts are saying that this was most likely a legitimate election.

Actually the part of Joe Biden becoming president that I look forward to the most is Trump's letter to the incoming president. I can't wait to hear what he says.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:58 pm

Unlike you, I am far from gullible. Things look fishy. I heard a lot of shady things during this election, and never once listened to trump during it. Could it all be lies and have explanations? Sure. I may very well be wrong. Until a thorough investigation is done, I won't be convinced though. Do you really think they can say for certain right now that no fraud happened? Without even spending so much as a week investigating? If you do, then you are even more naive then I thought.

Did he say that as a joke perhaps? Or just idle musings? Or perhaps he was just speaking what he felt at the moment and not what he would actually do? I'm pretty sure every person has had bad thoughts about what they felt they "should do". Most of us don't say it though. Trump does have the problem of having no filter. I can see him saying an idle desire out loud but not something he would actually do after giving it thought. Likewise, there initially WAS no rules on how many terms one can serve. If the government decided to legally change it back to having unlimited terms so long as you win the election fairly, how is that a dictator at all? In fact, wouldn't him modifying the rules to set him as president for life be more in line for a dictator? Why set up the need to constantly win re-elections? Do you even seriously think before you sling accusations? Nah, far easier to just say orange man bad, and let everything go in one ear and out the other right? And you call me gullible.

If I am wrong, and no fraud happened, I'll accept it and move on. And unlike you, I won't spend the next 4 years blindly criticizing Biden and Harris and badmouthing them with ignorant and false accusations. On the other hand I am curious if fraud is proven, Biden is disqualified and trump remains president, will you do the same? Doubtful. You will spend the next 4 years same as the last. Whining. Moaning. Shouting Orange man bad.
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