Well I'll be damned if I have no idea what anyone is talking about any more.
I'll try my best to respond to as many posts as I can.
A few things: Yes, climate has always been changing. It always will be. That is not the same thing as "climate change". Usually when scientists refer to climate change, they mean the change caused by humans. Science is forever changing. Science 10 years ago could say something that we now know to be false. That does not mean that we shouldn't trust current science. There is always a possibility that current science will be disproven in a few years. But it's what we have. It's the best research we have available. Don't say "WeLl ScIeNcE cHaNgEs SoMeTiMeS sO i'Ll MaKe ScIeNtIfIc AsSuMpTiOnS wHiThOuT pRoPeR tRaInInG!" That's just stupid.
Y'all, listening to science and only science is not "biased". Choosing to listen to certain people because they are scientists is not biased. Choosing only to listen to certain scientists because of what they say is biased.
What the heck are you guys talking about with that H2O thing? I lost you as soon as you said it would kill a bunch of people.
Draque, you do realize that man-made climate change didn't exist in the 60s, right? It can be credited to have started in the early 70s, at which point scientists didn't really know about it yet.
Dman, do you think that climatologists are payed per scientific breakthrough? NO. THEY AREN'T. They are payed just like every other government employee. That means not a whole lotta money.