TRUMP 2020!

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:25 pm

You've been watching too many anti-Biden ads.

He can form sentences fine. Of course all the ads show is the few times when he slipped a little. He should not be judged on that.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:35 pm

Blue. How can you be so bloody blind to what is right in front of you.

This video quite literally shows that he will not be honest and say what he believes. One minute fracking bad. Next, nah it's fine. One minute "no I don't support gay marriage" the next " i do."

Also, the man can not form sentences. He said he joined the senate over 100 years ago. The man's a fossil sure, but not that old. Plenty of evidence to show he's in mental decline.

The man's also a clear racist if you look at the crap he's said. Not to mention the sexual assult allegations with tara reade.

Frankly the only way anyone could not see the man is a complete liar, and just not there anymore, is if there head is stuck too far up their own rear to see it.

Again, I don't really like trump. But Biden would be a literaly train wreck if elected. He'd just be a puppet. Not to mention how even his VP doesn't even pretend he would be president, calling it the Kamala-Biden administration.

Quick lesson-administrations tend to be named after the president-not the VP. That's a clear red flag if there ever was one.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:53 pm

Biden is as much of a liar as Trump, if not less.

Biden said he joined the senate 100 years ago. Trump said he didn't know that the flu killed people, but his grandfather died of it.

I don't like Biden much, and he certainly was not my first choice. But he's what we've got. And I'd rather have him than have another 4 years of Trump using taxpayer money to play golf and stay at his own hotels.

To me, if you think Biden is a train wreck but Trump isn't, then you definitely aren't getting the whole picture.

Remember the Bush administration? Or should I call it the Chaney administration? I guess it was fine for Bush to be a puppet because he was a republican.

And I guess that also when Trump is accused of sexual assault it doesn't matter because there is no photographic or video evidence (even though he basically admitted to it in that recording). But then when Biden gets accused it's the real deal.

I honestly can't think of anyone under the age of 55 who is at all enthusiastic about Biden. But since the election is often about picking the lesser of two evils, you go your way and I'll go mine.

I see Trump as a creepy incestuous pervert who is only president for his personal benefit: both to make his name widely recognized and to redirect taxpayer money to himself. He is a foul man, a sour liar, and just a all-around crappy person.

If Biden is a "clear racist" then I don't know what you call Trump. I'd say there is a reason why Biden has far more racial minority support than Trump.

I mean I don't disagree that some of the stuff that Biden has said is pretty sketchy. But there is a difference between saying a few kinda offensive but harmless things and actually proposing to build (and then actually building) a border wall to keep out the Mexican rapists, drug lords and criminals (oops I forgot that some were good people).

Biden hasn't proposed any ideas like that at all. Nothing to keep certain races and cultures from "shithole" countries out of the US. Nothing like that.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:10 pm

Why bring in Bush? Where did I ever say anything about Bush? Him and Chaney were a bad duo, what's your point? That because a republican duo did it and it was a horrible thing that means democrats should get to do it too? Even though it's clearly a really stupid thing to do?

You recall that Biden said that Obama was the first well spoken, well groomed well etc black man? If that isn't one of the most patronizing things to say. Or how you ain't black if you don't vote for him?

Also, how is wanting to build a border wall to keep out Mexican criminals racist. If he was building a wall to keep out mexicans period, sure. But to stop criminals from crossing over? No. That isn't racist. Do you WANT, Mexican drug smugglers, rapists, and other criminals to be able to come in easily? Because there are some bad people who come in illegally. There are also some good people. But all should come in legally.

Also biden has damn well proposed some very racist things. He was for seperate bussing. His VP pick railed him on that. He helped make that crime bill that locked up many in the black community. Trump fixed that. And now Trump with his platinum plan will give 500 Billion to the black community, to help them build and develop. Instead of giving them welfare and food check every month and making them reliant on the government like the dems have done the last half century. Such a horrible racist man, get outta here with that bull crap.

Trumps an arse, and he has some bad opinions I don't agree with. A pervert too honestly. Biden is all that and more. Trump in 4 bloody years has done more good then Biden in 47 years. And as much as I might dislike trump, and all the things he is, a racist is not one of them. If he is, then his policies really don't line up with that. Last I checked, racists don't like building up the folks they hate.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:25 pm

The idea that Mexicans are more likely to be criminals than US citizens IS racist. It also reinforces the idea that if you are coming to the US illegally it's for a bad reason.

Do you know the #1 reason why people illegally immigrate to the US? To escape danger.

For instance say that there was a very dangerous person that had a beef to pick with you. You recently got a death threat from them. If I were you, I would leave the country immediately. There often is no time to wait for the slow wheels of immigration to turn all the way so that you can legally immigrate. There is also a reason why you don't here many stories of the brave people who legally migrated to the US to escape death. It's because while they are waiting for their application to be approved (which takes a ridiculous amount of time), they get killed.

So you can say that they should try to immigrate legally. Ok, they try that, but then what? They wait 9 years and in the mean time their entire family gets kidnapped and murdered. Often illegal immigration is the only option for survival.

What makes Mexicans more likely to be criminals than citizens? You think that criminals in Mexico are gonna run to the US to escape justice? I think not.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:45 pm

Blue anyone who enters our country illegally is a criminal. That's a fact. Do you want to know the very SIMPLE reason why? Entering our country illegally, or pretty much ANY country illegally, is guess what? A-Crime. It's a felony. So by literal definition of what a criminal is, a person who has committed a crime, and the fact that illegally entering is a crime, all illegals are criminals. That's not an opinion it's a simple fact.

Now you do make a good point, that some folks are in a bad situation and do what they have to to survive. But just because a crime might be committed out of fear, or desire to survive doesn't magically mean we should let laws be ignored. If a man is starving he does not have the right to steal food. He has a damn good reason sure, but him starving doesn't give him the right to steal someone else's food to survive. It's sad, sure, but laws exist for a reason.

Also, the US does not have to cater and help every single person with a bad life who want's a better one. We quite literally can not take care of every single person who could benefit living here-that's why we have immigration laws and such a long bloody wait. Tons of people want to be here, but we can't just let them all in. Think of the US as your home. Think of the mexicans and refugees from Syria and any other area with folks fleeing to safety as, the homeless in your city. Would those homeless benefit if they could break into your house and sleep there? Sure especially on a cold winter night, especially in a nasty storm. Why some homeless probably would freeze to death if they don't break into your home for warmth. Now, even if you live in a damn mansion blue, there is no way your home could house an entire city's homeless population. No home could for any sizeable city.

Just like America can't magically let in every single person who will die if they don't enter it. Does that fact s**k? Most certainly. Is it a damn shame and sad? Definitely. Now would just letting in any tom joe and henry make a lot of folks happy? Sure, but it wouldn't be sustainable or a good solution. What needs to be done, is instead of letting all these people constantly flee their homes to better places, their current homes need to be fixed, crime and gangs taken out, laws made, jobs creaeted etc.

you, just like so many liberals seem to live by the motto of constantly giving a man a fish, instead of teaching them to fish themselves and making them self sufficient. I would be all for doing things to make foreign countries better. Many don't want our help, or often we can't fully support them. Another sad but true fact.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:52 pm

Usually, the right to survive grants the ability to break certain laws.

If you were to attack me, I have the right to defend myself. I could do things legally that would not be legal if you were not attacking me.

Another thing. If someone was chasing you, in a car, you are usually granted immunity to some traffic regulations, or at least you could use it as a viable excuse in court.

I do believe that if someone immigrates here illegally, they should be allowed to stay here for as long as they need to be safe, but should also apply for citizenship in the meantime.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:55 pm

OMG! Are we back to the wall and the Mexicans again... we cant keep going through the same warn out 3 year old talking points over and over again... move on blue and get some new material :D

Im pretty sure we beat these click bait headlines to death, gave you the actual quotes and you are still using them debunked click bait head lines.

We are saying that right now Biden looses his focus mid sentence and thats not good for the person with the nuke codes, and the response is well 4 years ago Trump said some people breaking the law crossing the border illegally are law breakers sooooo...yeah!!!! Trump bad

We are saying Biden doesnt have any actual policies, his mind on everything changes with the wind, and you response is Bush and Trump want name recognition.

Can you see how concerning Biden is and how superficial at best your argument against trump is.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:04 pm

Key word being certain laws. There are many factors to take into consideration for survival. What options did you have, what law did you break, why etc.

Ultimately blue, your position is not viable. You need to get it through your head that when it comes down to it-not everyone can be helped. Not every single refugee can be let into the US. We can not provide for every single person who might not survive without our help. It is a sad truth, but a truth none the less. And blindly turning your eye and letting some folks break our laws to save themselves ultimately does not solve the core problem. Why let mexicans flee into the US, when we should be making Mexico get their crap together, eliminate their criminals, and become a better country?

We should be trying to work with their government, to make their country better. If we did that, guess what? Illegal immigration would go down tremendously you know why? Same reason why illegal immigrants isn't an issue with our other neighbor Canada. Why flee Canada to the US? It might be an improvement for some, but not needed for survival.

So instead of doing the stupid thing of just smiling and letting anyone illegally enter, we need to fix the actual damn problem. I swear it's like you liberals and socialists can never see the forest from the bloody trees. Almost always thinking of how to help those suffering, instead of focusing on removing the reason that causes the suffering. Why give poor folks welfare when you could help them be self sufficient? Why give a man a fish, when you can teach him to fish? Why let illegals rampantly enter the US if they need to, when you should make their own home, a good home so they don't HAVE to leave?
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:07 pm

I have no counter.

Just an FYI, I am not a liberal, but more of a "leftist". There is a big difference. I seriously doubt that a liberal would support any of the same things that I do.
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