TRUMP 2020!

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:55 am

I'm going to address the last few posts in this one.


No, I can't prove they are Nazis, but you have to assume that if they are using that symbol in this day and age that they are. For instance, the Indian swastika that you mentioned doesn't really look the same as the Nazi one.

And really most of the time when I've seen a swastika used it was the second one.

"Until they threaten or do actual harm to you, you have no right to act out on them"
Yes. But what is a Nazi's values? By wearing that symbol or by supporting the Nazis you support the killing of Jewish people. And that is a threat to me. Therefor I legally (yes, legally) have the right to take whatever means necessary to defend myself and to prevent harm.

And as an organization, I don't know much about BLM. For most people it's become something that you say to show that you support the cause. That doesn't mean that you support everything that BLM says or does.

My religious views? I'm an atheist. This confuses a lot of people who don't understand that you can be Jewish religiously and ethnically. I am ethnically Jewish but not religiously. That goes for many Jews. So if the Torah says points against homosexuality, then i really don't care. Don't even try me with this one, because who do you think would win: some random gentile pleb on a PG Trump forum or an actual Jew?

You are incorrect to say science says there are only two genders.
You are mixing up genders and sex. And science actually says that there are three sexes. Male, female, and intersex. But that is different than gender. There are a lot of analogies to describe gender but I think the best one goes like this: Genders are no different from nicknames. You can have none, one or multiple. And it isn't very nice and makes you look like an ass if you purposely use the wrong one. I don't know why this has become an issue. Why can't you just call people what they want to be called? Trust me, it's not that hard to be courteous.

The Birther movement is nothing but a failed attempt at a conspiracy theory made by our own president. It has been disproven many times with photographically and documentation evidence. And honestly the whole thing is a little racist. What makes Obama less likely to have been born here than Trump?

My parents failed at raising me? No need to get aggressive. BTW I was a straight A student in school. And think what you look like to me. You deny climate change even though about 97% of the climate scientists would disagree. Dez, I feel like if I read even just one more of your posts in this thread I'm going to vomit.

Mel, you are probably the person I disagree with who makes the most sense here. I'm glad that you use logic and reason unlike some people. At this point it's just difference of opinion, and neither of us is going to be able to change that. I don't think that saying "I'm not saying X, but..." is necessarily a bad thing? The following "but..." doesn't need to contradict the first thing you said. And the example you gave? Mel, that's much, much more offensive than anything I would say, and even you know that.


I like your way of thinking. I don't think that BLM's intentions really match up with their name. What I mean is that yes, "all lives matter" but the issue wasn't that everyone was being killed by the police. If I could fix their name I would change it to "Black lives matter too" because it suggests that everyone's life matters but still keeps the emphasis on the problem. and by the way, ALL LIVES MATTER is a pretty racist organization, so be careful how you use that phrase.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Sat Aug 01, 2020 12:20 pm

I don't like nazis at all, and I completely disagree with what they stand for, that being said, they have the right to express their opinions and beliefs same as anyone else, so long as they don't break any crimes or harm anyone. You do not have the right to attack or destroy property of nazis just because they are nazis. You can certainly cuss them out, point out how stupid their beliefs are, refuse to talk to them, refuse to be near them etc, but you do not get break any laws just because of them being nazis.

Also, it's really stupid to say you stand by any group if you are not knowledgeable about said group. Having a good name or message shouldn't be enough to get you to support them, you need to look at their actions and their leaders. Take PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for example. Personally, based on their name and general message alone, it sounds like a group I would consider giving my support. However, dig around a bit and you can see that they do some underhanded and shady crap, that makes them unworthy of support in my eyes. So don't just blindly support BLM just because they look good on the surface. Some of the most vile and awful people and groups will put on a pretty face or nice message to get people in.

The "i'm not saying x but" argument is mainly because you seem to say but quite a lot. It's also sometimes used like I said to try to weave in things you know won't go down well, but thanks to but you feel like you can slip it in.

I also gave several examples, of varying severity. Mainly whatever came to my mind first. My main issue with using it, is that when used too often it starts to seem fishy, for lack of a better word. I won't lie, I sometimes use that statement, I do however try to avoid it, or at least use variances to avoid using but a crap ton of times.

Also, if you know any good lawyers who would be fine answering a question, I would suggest you ask them the following. "If I see a car with no one in it, that has a nazi symbol, and I slash the tires and graffiti it, is that legally self defense since I am a jew and they are a nazi?".

I can promise you, that no lawyer worth his salt would tell you that yes it's legally self defense.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby DezNutz » Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:02 pm


Well, I guess you are going to have to vomit then.

Intersex is not a gender. Those with the extra chromosomes (XXY, XYY, or XXX) are either predominantly male or predominantly female. And by medical science, if you have the Y chromosome you are genetically a male.

Here are the links.

I'm aware that there is a difference between religiously and ethnically Jewish.

Great logic there genius. Because Nazi Germany killed the Jewish people, anyone that is a Nazi in modern times is a threat, regardless if they actually threaten you, and you are justified to prevent harm to yourself by attacking them.

Using your logic, we should lock up and kill anyone that supports socialism. Socialism has killed millions of more innocent people than Nazis. We should prevent the deaths of more by removing socialists.

Oh wait, you can't do that, because in a FREE country you are allowed to express your beliefs without fear of prosecution, as long as those beliefs do not infringe on another's rights. So unless they are directly threatening you or intended to do harm to you, you have no right to attack them. As doing so without just cause, is an infringement of their rights. And as you would not want them to infringe on your rights, you can't infringe on theirs, regardless of whether you agree with their beliefs or not.

This is why I say your parents failed at raising you. You live on emotions and think that those that have beliefs that are abhorrent to you do not deserve to have the same rights as you. As you are willing to infringe on their rights without them doing anything to you. For someone who hates Nazis and their fascist ways, you sure are acting just like them.

Maybe you should take the time and understand how and why America was founded and understand the Freedoms that are provided here, and how these Freedoms are provided for All Citizens. And to more so most of these freedoms are provided as a courtesy to those visiting our nation. You will not find any nation with all our freedoms. There are some that are close, but none that are.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Argo » Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:35 pm

Well, there you go!

I didn't even know there was a group who call themselves 'ALL LIVES MATTER...'
Hearing "BLACK LIVES MATTER' all the time annoys me bc Im always thinking 'ALL LIVES MATTER'!

And they do, so it doesn't matter what you call yourself...the fact remains...yes even those who support causes of which you don't approve.

You cant be a little bit pregnant either are or you are not.

As far as the gender issue - I have to back Dez on this...
When born, you have a set of genitals that express your physical gender.
That does not mean there are not other factors including choice that enable many gender-types.

I doubt there is a birth certificate anywhere in the world that indicates a newborn doesn't have a set of genitals that defines their gender.
I don't think it says things like


We are born physically as male or female. Often ppl say they are in the wrong body and do what needs to be done.
It doesn't change the genitals they were born (with until they cut them out and create something else...)
Ppl have a right to be whoever they choose or whoever they feel they are.

But that does not determine your sex at birth.

"Swastika signifies good luck, peace, prosperity, auspiciousness, and universal brotherhood. Any Hindu ritual, whether it is a wedding, Satya Narayan Katha, Nav Graha Poojan, Grah Pravesh, or any other Pooja ceremony is not complete without using this symbol.

It is marked all over the objects used in Hindu Pooja Rituals. The Swastika symbol can be seen in abundance on temples, on the cover of books, and is also painted on the walls of houses.

The swastika is derived from Sanskrit word “Swasti” meaning 'may all be well with you'. The Swastika symbol has gained widespread popularity not only in the Hindu Religion but is also used in Buddhism and Jainism."

**It is also a powerful symbol often used in magic and ritual for over 12k years**
Our minds go to 'Nazi' bc of our perception and experience.

Years ago when I looked it up, I was surprised too bc like you, I thought it was purely a symbol that represented just Nazis.
I was so wrong. Ignorant and uneducated in these matters.
All I had was lore and school history lessons.

(I do appreciate you and your family may have gone through hell. I am in no way meaning to diminish that or make light of it)
It just goes further to show again, that personal experience influences our outlooks...creates our perception...and so there are times, with respect, when we can never agree.
There is nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree anyhow.
The world doesn't have to see things only one way.

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:57 am

Yeah honestly like Dez said, if we were to justify hurting other's due to what their beliefs did in the past, by that logic, Jews would have the right to straight up attack Christians-as Christians in the past have done some rather awful things to them, hell Christians could justify hurting you by saying well they killed jesus. Blacks would be justified in attacking other black folks and white folk for the matter of slavery, Muslims and christians could attack eachother and point to the crusades and jihads for justification.

Do you see now why we don't let distant past events, that while awful, justify things nowadays? Because if we want to go down that route, everyone might as well just attack everyone. Look in the past hard and long enough, I'm sure you could find some reason to try to justify it. Judge folks based on their actions-not their religions, their race, or their ancestors.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:01 am

Just have a min, and there has been a lot of different discussions. I wanted to say one thing. There shouldnt be a person on the planet that doesnt believe in climate change. Like i said previously, good thing for it, or the coast line would be 200ft lower and NYC would be under 1/2 mile of ice, the question is are we so self absorbed that we think we can affect the "climate". We know we can pollute and cause bad things to happen to other organisms and ourselves but....


So here is a chart of temp and co2 over the past few glacial cycles. You will note that there is a correlation of Co2 and temp, but is it the temp allowing for more Co2 or is it the Co2 that increases temp. Well look at us now, real high Co2 but much lower temps than the previous inter glacial cycles. This would indicate that we haven't done a thing burning all them fossil fuels and that Co2 may not actually play a large role in temp increase.

I would even say that the increase of temp (naturally) allows for more mechanisms to create more Co2, animals, cow farts, methane released from permafrost etc. I say that because we werent around to put all that co2 into the air the past inter glacial periods and their C02 was really high.

Lastly, you will also note looking at the graph, there were times when Co2 was high and the temp dropped...hmmmmmm

Just thought it was interesting to see actual data vrs. 4 out of 5 dentists agree :D
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby William one eye » Mon Aug 03, 2020 3:37 pm


I dont care what gender you are,
You come with standard equipment unless you are born a hermaphrodite. It does happen. I had a friend when i went to school who had both male and female equipment.

What sex are you if you have both?

Personally use what every bathroom seems appropriate.
If you dont look like the others in your bathroom gender wise perhaps use a stall. If you have wandering eyes perhaphs use a stall.

Use your equipment how you see fit or get a doctor to change it.
Does not matter to me, unless you try to use it on me.
Without buying me a drink first.

Dont expect me to buy you new equipment.

Not all white supremicists are nazis, some of them only hate or fear people who have skin of different colors.
These are typically the people who display the dixicrat flag.
Although some fly it because they think its the confederate flag,

1 because they think its cool because thry are from the south
But dont know history

2 because they watched dukes of hazzard and associate it eith thst and dont know history

3 because they supported the democratic party during segregation.

4 think it represents their heritage, but are uninformed

5 are using it as an oppresive rasict symbol

6 had family members in a regiment that flew that flag.
Tennesse and the navy were the only ones im aware of that flew it.

I have no problem with with individuals
flying the confederate flag if they had family members who fought in the war,
So long as it flys below the american


Neo nazis. Ive never actually met one.
Would probably piss me off pretty bad.
But it us a free country and unless they do more than voice there opinion, they are afforded that right, same as someone raising their fist in the air and yelling black power.

Climatte change,
I have a hard time beliving anything we do will outweigh a major geological event. A large enough volcanoe will reset everything.

Still it does not hurt to be environmentally consious.

Use multi trip bags , walk or cycle, be mindful of what you waste , donate or recycle what you can. Avoid products plastic containers. Use alternate souces of energy when possible.

My house is solar during the day, and i try to practice most of the things above. I would prefer to manage my envionmental impact on my own, not by government mandate.

Religion. I prefer you believe in one of any kind.

Personally i believe the form of god, gods, and or spirits are not definable or conceivable by the comprehsion of humans.

Science is only the system of explaning the world around you using tools and knoledge we currently have available.
In my opinion it is an extremly observational religion.
Scientific fact is rationalized based upon observations quantified using our languages and counting systems. It is only good till it is proved wrong by more investigation. It will never be able to explain everything. Claim it proves an abesence
Of a god only once you are omnipitent.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Mon Aug 03, 2020 3:57 pm

I do think humans are having an impact on the climate, but I don't see us being capable of doing any permanent damage to the earth. Hell, pretty sure even if we used every nuke on the planet, earth would recover given enough time. Granted, most life would be wiped out and set back, but the planet would be fine given time.

We need to remember that the Earth was here long before we showed up, and has survived some crazy crap already. To think that we could permanently change it for the worse is sort of over-estimating our impact honestly.

Will say that I don't agree with Will referring to science as a religion, though I suppose some folks may treat it like one. To me it's just a useful system and tool to learn more about the world we live in and the universe. Personally, I think that there may have been a creator, or some greater being, though I certainly don't believe it to have omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. World is too messed up for such a thing to exist frankly. At best it has 2 of those traits.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby William one eye » Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:45 pm

You missinterperted my point on religion and science.

Science has boundries crossing those boundries often proves previous science incorrect and only opens up new boundries to explore. I was claiming science to not be omnipitent.
And that i do not believe scientific fact or lack of scientific fact can explain away a creator, god or gods.

I Personally do not believe their is an omnipitent creator watching our every move. Specifically guiding us.
Protecting us, or harming us. I veiw it more like planting some flower seed in front if your house and seeing what happens.

Maybe you water them, maybe you dont, mabe you spray poision on the beettles eating them, or maybe you think the beetles have the right to eat them. Maybe you train them on a trellis or just let them do as they please. Maybe you weed snd mulch to give them the best chance for success or perhaphs you allow them to be independant and let the mix with the natrually ocvuring flora. You planted them but you are not obligated to do any more than you want to after that.

Take this on any scale level you please, individusl creatures, enitre spiecies, entire plants enitre solar sytems, unuverses ect.

Maybe we are just some beings terrarium. I only know what i can physically comprehend.
Last edited by William one eye on Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:02 pm

DezNutz wrote:LOL....

Well, I guess you are going to have to vomit then.

Intersex is not a gender. Those with the extra chromosomes (XXY, XYY, or XXX) are either predominantly male or predominantly female. And by medical science, if you have the Y chromosome you are genetically a male.

Here are the links.

I'm aware that there is a difference between religiously and ethnically Jewish.

Great logic there genius. Because Nazi Germany killed the Jewish people, anyone that is a Nazi in modern times is a threat, regardless if they actually threaten you, and you are justified to prevent harm to yourself by attacking them.

Using your logic, we should lock up and kill anyone that supports socialism. Socialism has killed millions of more innocent people than Nazis. We should prevent the deaths of more by removing socialists.

Oh wait, you can't do that, because in a FREE country you are allowed to express your beliefs without fear of prosecution, as long as those beliefs do not infringe on another's rights. So unless they are directly threatening you or intended to do harm to you, you have no right to attack them. As doing so without just cause, is an infringement of their rights. And as you would not want them to infringe on your rights, you can't infringe on theirs, regardless of whether you agree with their beliefs or not.

This is why I say your parents failed at raising you. You live on emotions and think that those that have beliefs that are abhorrent to you do not deserve to have the same rights as you. As you are willing to infringe on their rights without them doing anything to you. For someone who hates Nazis and their fascist ways, you sure are acting just like them.

Maybe you should take the time and understand how and why America was founded and understand the Freedoms that are provided here, and how these Freedoms are provided for All Citizens. And to more so most of these freedoms are provided as a courtesy to those visiting our nation. You will not find any nation with all our freedoms. There are some that are close, but none that are.

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