The door is open now for contract shipping but I can't see it being a reliable income stream as yet. At least not for a while. Still, there may be plant owners who need X amount of goods delivered to them per week. Especially if the stock is not available in the port where needed.
Port industry is going to play a major role in the economic future of Avonmora and there is possibility of spin-off work as well for carriers and transport services. I must look harder however to see how this could affect ship building.
It's impossible to build a reputation or advertise why your ships are better than the other guys and quite frankly, a little tweaking may yield big results in the depth of play-ability this feature could also use. Of course you must be able to do something to your ships that no one can do to make them stand out. Maybe assignable traits ?
No..thats not the answer as anyone could then build their dream team however, if only dedicated ship builders who met a production quota beforehand had the ability to choose traits ... Hmmm... Bah... another day, another time, another topic.